Chapter 41

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After ordering lunch for her and the two men, including a milkshake, she took a selfie and sent it to the group message. She appreciated how the men kept scanning their eyes while they ate, and then once she was done they threw away her things so she didn't have to leave the table.

Deciding to actually try and keep her promise, she headed to Barnes and Noble and started looking through the books. Seeing a tablet, she frowned in confusion and walked over to the counter, "excuse me, can you explain what this is please?"

"That is the newest Nook," the young lady with huge glasses beamed. Seeing Jennifer's confused look she smiled, "It is a tablet that holds all your books so you don't have to carry around multiple books at once. They are all there for you to read whenever you want. But I have personally found there is nothing like the comforting smell of actual books so I tend to use my Nook and still get the actual books for when I want the feel of the book in my hands."

"Amazing," Jennifer gasped as the lady showed her how to use it. "Can I order more than one?"

"Of course," she nodded. "How many?"

"Can they come in different languages?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "When you power it on it will let you set it up however you like."

"Perfect," Jennifer beamed, "can I get fifteen please?"

"I'm sorry, did you say fifteen?" The lady asked in shock. "As in one five?"

"Yes," Jennifer nodded, "they are presents for my husbands."

"You're Jennifer Blackbourne Ravenstahl!" She gasped, "that's why you look so familiar!"

"Yes," Jennifer blushed.

"Of course," the lady nodded, "We don't have that many in the store but I can have them delivered for you, will that be okay?"

"That would be perfect," Jennifer nodded, "thank you. Now I think I will get some physical books as well."

After getting her books, she filled out the information for the Nooks to be sent to the house and this time she made sure to use the black card. Seeing a video game store, she headed there next and found some games that she thought a few of them would like. She also was able to get two new playstation fives and two of the new Xboxs. She had overheard them talking about getting them when they had the time so now seemed like the perfect time. She had them also be delivered to the house. Walking around the mall, she was able to find something for each of them and that made her really happy.

Spotting Build A Bear she gasped. She always wanted to visit but was never allowed. They said to do whatever made her happy so taking a deep breath, she walked into the store and gasped at all the different stuffed animals she could make. She wondered if they would allow her to make one for each of the guys and one for Max and then one for herself.

She walks up and down the wall looking at the bins and shelves displaying all the different creatures. A young man stalking the end bins noticed her and greeted her.

"Welcom to Build-A-Bear! Have you chosen your next best friend or are we having a tough time choosing?" he asked.

"Oh, um, I am just looking at all the different choices. Trying to decide which would my husbands like," Jennifer whispered as she looked down the row. William stepped closer to her while he eyed the sales associate.

"Is everything okay here, Mrs. Blackbourne Ravenstahl?" William asked as he took a side glance at her.

"Yes, he was just doing his job, seeing if I was finding everything okay. Thank you, William," Jennifer said as a tiny blush dusted across her face.

"You are her! Oh my gosh! I can't believe I am talking to you right now! Do you realize your union with your husbands has finally opened the minds of many? My boyfriends and I can finally be ourselves somewhat compared to hiding it in the past or going on single dates!" the boy rushed out as he fanned over Jennifer. "We love you!"

Jennifer's eyes widened at the reaction the boy had given her. "Um, thank you?" She asked nervously. "I'm not really sure what to say, honestly. I'm glad you can be yourselves though, you should be able to love who you love, no matter what."

"Well, just know you have a rising fan base! Now, how can I help you find what you are looking for? I assume it is going to be fifteen stuffies?"

"Sixteen actually," she smiled softly, "please. I want to get our dog one too. He deserves presents too."

"Of course we have to make one for the fur baby! Okay, I will help assist you so you get the full experience! First, let's pick out the sixteen stuffies, then we will go over and give them a heart and stuff them. Afterwards, we get to dress them up if you want! Finally, you will pay for them and then register them with their names!" the boy said as he walked back to the beginning of stuffies. "Oh and my name is Andy."

"Pleasure to meet you, Andy. Okay, thank you for assisting me as I think I would have gotten lost," Jennifer smiled as she started to pick up or point to what she wanted. William kept a few paces behind to stay out of the way. It took over an hour to get all sixteen stuffies picked, stuffed, decked out, and paid for with the registry. She was so excited to give them to the guys when they got home. While she was nervous they might think this was childish, another part of her thought they would appreciate them, she hoped anyway.

"I'll take those, Ma'am," William said as he took many of the boxes while Charles took some as well.

"Why don't we take them to the car then we can come back?" Charles gently suggested.

"Actually, I'm getting tired," she admitted. "This took more out of me than I thought. I didn't realize how much I've walked," she was shocked at how many steps showed on her watch. "I'm ready to go home."

"Yes Ma'am," William said as he followed her towards the exit of the mall. Charles and he quickly loaded up the vehicle and took their place up in the front while Jennifer was in the back passenger seat. Now that she wasn't moving, the exhaustion started to kick in. She closed her eyes and let out a tired sigh. Maybe she could take a nap on the way home. A smile formed at the thought of it being her home.

She rested her eyes and before she could reach a dream state the car jerked harshly making her body shift to the left before slamming against the door. She thought she heard the guys say something but all she could hear was glass shattering all around, a high pitch ringing in her ears, and metal scraping. She felt her world going in circles and realized she was screaming while the driver and bodyguard were yelling profanities. Pain coursed through her and seemed to surround her as fire filled her lungs. Blurriness filled her eyes as black spots appeared in her vision.

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