Chapter 25

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Jennifer woke to her phone buzzing a week later. Half asleep, she reached over and grabbed her phone, answering it while trying to wake up, "Hello?"

"What the hell have you done?!?!?! Have you lost your goddamn mind Jennifer?"

"Father," she gulped as she quickly got out of bed and stood straight up, her muscles all tense.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

She flinched and rushed out of her door. Quickly going down the stairs she turned and entered the kitchen while trying to blink away the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Multiple voices asked as they watched her rush into the room.

"Answer me, Jennifer Marie! What the hell were you thinking? Have you lost your goddamn mind? How could you do this to your family? To the company? You have just destroyed everything! We have just lost everything because of you! What were you thinking? Answer me!"

Owen immediately stood and took the phone from her trembling hand. Hitting the speaker button may have seemed unnecessary since the shouting could be heard clearly in the room but at the same time it was needed since Corey and Victor were already typing away on their laptops and Corey was also recording the call.

"I...I..." her throat tightened as she tried to get her body under control.

"I said answer me Jennifer Marie Watson!"

She tensed once again then clenched her fists, "My name is Jennifer Marie Blackbourne Ravenstahl."

Silence filled the air for a few minutes, "What did you just say?"

"My name is Jennifer Marie Blackbourne Ravenstahl," she repeated, "not Jennifer Watson. It's hasn't been Waston since you arranged my marriage to Owen. Then once I found out you lied to me about my body, I realized the truth about you. These men have treated me with more respect than you ever have in my entire life. I chose then to marry all of them, and I did. It wasn't right of you to try and split them up. They are a family, all of them together and I belong to every single one of them. I am the wife of all fourteen men of the Blackbourne Toma family. Lesson number three: When I become married my life focuses on my husbands, I leave behind my family to create one with my husbands. My life revolves around being the perfect wife for my husbands. Lesson number four: When you marry your husbands you marry the whole family not just the man or men. Am I correct, Father?"

"Are you sassing me?" His tense voice made her flinch. "Come home right now."

"She is home," Owen said so calmly that she looked up at him in shock. "I told you Mr. Watson that if you ever contact our wife again that you would not like the consequences, and I meant it."

He hung up the phone and Sean cupped her chin, "I am so proud of you for coming to us immediately, Jennifer," Sean said as he took in her anxiety ridden body. "Can you take a deep breath for me? Please?"

She took a deep breath then let it out, he chuckled and shook his head, so she took another one and slowly let it out this time. "Better?" She breathed and he nodded. "Kay."

"Let's get you to sit down," Sean said as he gently gripped her elbow, "you're trembling."

"Am?" she asked as Silas pulled out a chair.

"Yes, you are," Sean nodded, "but it's to be expected with what just happened."

"Kay," she mumbled as she sat down.

"Try and eat something," North said as he put a plate in front of her.

"I can't," she shook her head. "My stomach is all yucky now."

"Okay, try and take a couple of bites of toast then," Sean said. "You need something in your system, just a couple of bites please."

"Kay," she mumbled as she held her stomach.

"Is that all you're going to say now?" Nathan smirked.

She shrugged so he decided to just drop it. He sent glances at the rest of the group and found similar concern on their faces. "Excuse me," she mumbled as she pushed her chair away from the table.

"Wait," Sean said as he followed her out of the room. "Stop, talk to me, please."

"I...I...I can't believe I just did that!" She blurted out as her chest tightened making her start to gasp. "I...I..."

"Just breathe, Jenn," Sean said as he raised her arms above her head. "Think about your yoga breathing. Nice and slow."

"I just yelled at my father!"

"And he deserved it," Sean nodded in agreement. "He is the one in the wrong here, you have every right to tell the truth. You haven't done anything wrong, Pookie."

"But I—"

"No," Sean shook his head as he kept her arms up above her head. "You did nothing wrong, Jennifer. And we are very proud of you for sticking up for us."


He smirked and cupped her chin, "You corrected your father on your last name, you made it perfectly clear that you belong with us and no longer with him. You severed your link to him and told him that you are our wife, that you want to be our wife. We are so proud of you for doing that."

She blushed slightly, "oh," then frowned, "what did Owen mean by not liking the consequences?"

Sean chuckled and pulled her in for a hug. Once she wrapped her arms around his waist he smirked, "Don't you worry about that, our perfect little wife. Your father is just going to learn what it means to hurt what's ours. It's time for him to learn a few lessons, that's all."

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