Chapter 30

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Jennifer woke up and whimpered, her body hurt and felt heavy. Slipping out of her bed, she rubbed her eyes as she walked to her door. The hall was dark as she walked down it, silence surrounding her. Nerves filled her, which didn't exactly help her churning stomach, but he told her to come to him if she needed anything and right now she needed some medicine. Anything more would be wrong to ask even if she wanted to be brave enough to ask for more.

Stopping in front of his door, she debated on whether she should knock or just enter but it was answered for her when the door swung open, "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Sean asked as he took in her shivering form and small pout.

"Don't feel good," She whimpered. Her eyes briefly widened when she looked over his arm as he dropped it to grab her hand. Owen was sitting in the bed shirtless, it appeared as if he was reading a book before she interrupted them. "Sorry," she whispered, "just need medicine. Didn't mean to inter–"

"Hush now, come here," Sean smirked as he gently pulled her into the room and shut the door behind her. He put his wrist on her forehead and frowned, "Oh dear, you have a fever. I think you might have picked something up at the hospital yesterday. Come, tell your favorite doctor what all hurts so I can make it all better."

She started to protest but a clearing of a throat had her looking to see that Owen had gotten out of bed and was walking to her in nothing but gray sweatpants and his glasses. His gaze held hers, making all her protests slip from her mind, "Tell him what's wrong, Darling," he gently commanded.

"Don't feel good," she whined as tears filled her eyes. "It hurts."

"My poor girl," Owen cooed as he pulled her to him.

She shook her head, "No get sick," she weakly protested as she barely pushed on his warm chest. "So warm," she whispered as shivers went down her spine. Owen wrapped her arms around his waist and shot Sean a look as a moan slipped out of her. She may act like she was cold but she was burning up. He tried to take a step back so Sean could start assessing her but the whine that came from her made him smirk so he started running his fingers up and down her back in a soothing motion.

"Come here, Little One, let Daddies take care of you," Owen said as he held a tight grip on her while shuffling over to where Sean was bringing out some of his medical supplies. He picked up Sean's phone and opened the group chat.

Mr. Coleman, bring me some of our wifes comfiest pajamas. Mr. Taylor Jr, we need some soup, Mr. Weiland some sprite or juice. Mr. Taylor Sr now would be the perfect time for a stuffy. Our wife is sick and is in need of comfort and cuddles. Partially slipping but will see if now with support will full slip.

Multiple thumbs up were coming through as he sat the phone back down on the desk. "Daddy?" she whispered against his chest.

"Yes, Little One," Owen murmured as he moved them to sit on the bed. "Now tell Daddy what hurts so he can make it all better."

"Like," she murmured back as she closed her eyes and felt him move her so she was sitting sideways in his lap. She tried to move her face into his neck but he stopped her.

"In a little bit, Little One, Daddy needs to take your temperature since you're running a fever," Owen whispered as ran his thumb back and forth on her thigh. "Glad you like us being your daddies. It makes us so happy you are being a brave little girl and allowing us to take care of you like you need and we want." Sean smiled as he listened to Owen talk to their wife so gently. It was rare when it happened and most of the time seemed very hard for Owen to do but yet when it came to her, it seemed effortless for him to speak and act this way. Maybe he shouldn't have been so against getting a wife, he certainly was liking seeing this side of him more.

"Can you tell me what hurts, Buttercup?" Sean asked as he moved his stethoscope up to her chest. She looked at him and started coughing roughly. "Ouch," Sean frowned as he listened to it. "Did this cough just start?"

"No," she whined as she clutched her shirt, "owwieee..."

"How long have you had this cough, Sweetie?" Sean asked in confusion. "We haven't heard you coughing so when did it start?"

"Wake up," she pouted. "Throat hurt."

"Does this hurt?" Sean asked as he touched her forehead. She nodded, then he moved his fingers to the back of her head and she nodded again, "and what about here?" he asked as he touched her stomach. She nodded again. "Does this hurt?" he asked as he touched her shoulders and barely applied pressure.

"Heavy," she whimpered. The door opened so she hid her face in Owen's neck.

"It's okay, Little One," Owen murmured, "it's Daddy North and Daddy Marc with some soup and juice. It'll feel good on your hurt throat and tummy. Can you take just a small sip for me, please?"

North and Marc froze then quickly masked their surprise. "Chicky soup, Daddy?" she murmured.

"Yes, Little One, it's chicky soup and apple juice," Owen nodded when North nodded.

She lifted her head but quickly closed her eyes as the room tilted a little. She opened her mouth and heard a soft chuckle before she felt the warm soup trickle into her mouth. She swallowed and smiled softly, "Yummy Daddy."

"Good, I'm glad," North smiled as he fed her another spoonful. Once she managed to eat about a fourth of the bowl she hid her face in Owen's neck again and clutched his arm while yawning.

"Is our little girl getting sleepy again?" Owen murmured as he rubbed his thumb back and forth. She whined and he chuckled.

"Alright Little One," Sean said as he removed his gloves. "You caught a tummy bug but I have some medicine that will help make you feel better. I need you to swallow all this yucky medicine and then I'll have Daddy Luke bring you something sweet to make the yucky taste go away, okay?"

"No Daddy," she whined, "no yucky."

"Jennifer Blackbourne Ravenstahl," Owen said in a slightly stern voice, cutting off her whine. "Do you want to stay sick?"

"No Daddy," she pouted.

"Then be a good girl for your daddies and take your medicine or no yummy candy to make it go away."

She pouted but nodded and opened her mouth, Sean handed Owen the small plastic cup with red liquid and he poured it into her mouth. She scrunched up her face but swallowed it. Once it was gone she opened her mouth and Marc held out a bottle.

"Fank you," her eyes lit up as she took the bottle and started drinking her juice.

Marc smiled and told her she was welcome before taking the medicine cup and bowl then left the room. A second later the door opened again this time for her to see Luke and Gabe walk in. "Luke, our little one deserves a reward for taking her yucky medicine," Sean smiled as he watched her lean into Owen some more, resting her head on his chest.

"Great, I happen to have some Hershey's kisses right here with her name on them," Luke smiled. "I also have a pressie for being such a brave girl."

"And I have some comfy pjs too," Gabe smiled as he held up some Strawberry Shortcake pants and tee shirt. "And a new blankie."

A soft squeal left her as she made grabby hands seeing the pajamas and matching blanket. "Do you need help, Little One?" Sean asked but she shook her head. "Then go get changed into your new pretty pajamas but be careful. If you need help, tell Daddies and one of us will help, okay?"

"I'll hold your bottle," Owen said as he took the bottle from her mouth.

"Baba Daddy," she pouted. "Baba."

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