Chapter 6

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Jennifer shut her book and clicked her pen shut, "I think I am ready for the test on Friday now," she said tiredly. She glanced at Raven and noticed he was staring down Robert who kept staring at her.

"How did you know all these tips, Jenny?" Robert asked purposely ignoring the men that had accompanied her. "Come over here, I want to see if I got everything written down correctly, pretty please? I'll bring you some of your favorite ice cream next study group."

"I've told you not to call me that, Robert," Jennifer glared at him. "I don't like it. And how do you know what my favorite ice cream is?"

"I've noticed you eating Ben and Jerry's half baked a few times," he shrugged smirking. "So come on Cutie, let me see your notes."

Jennifer stood and huffed angrily, "I very seriously doubt you need my notes, Robert. You make straight A's and it's creepy that you know what kind of ice cream I like. Oh and just so you know it makes you look very pathetic and stupid that you are continuing trying to sweettalk me right in front of some of my husbands. I have made it very clear that I want nothing to do with you other than being classmates and if you don't stop then whatever they do is on you. Now excuse me I have somewhere I need to be and your ridiculous antics are going to make me late," she turned her back to Robert and picked up her purse. She looked at Kota and mouthed Bathroom. He barely nodded and she walked out of the room leaving the three men to glare at Robert.

Just as she started washing her hands, someone grabbed her from behind and slammed her into the wall, making her gasp in fear. "You are such a tease," Robert smirked into her ear as he pressed into her back. "You can play like you are in love with those men but you aren't as smart as you act. Everyone knows that you are in an arranged marriage, Jenny. Everyone knows that they don't love you and you don't love them. Your rich daddy forced you to marry them so that you can keep up your lavish lifestyle. But they don't know anything about you Jenny," he breathed as he pinned her hands against the wall. "They don't know that you have five favorite colors and it depends on your mood which one is your favorite but it's either black, blood red, cerulean blue, sea foam green, or amethyst purple. They don't know that you suffer from ADD, anxiety, and depression, do they? Do they know that your favorite food is Chinese or that Annabel Lee is your favorite poem? What about your favorite music to listen to while you study? Do they know anything about you, Jenny? Because I do, I know everything about you. You don't have to be the perfect little wife for me, you are already perfect just the way you are. All you have to do is give me the chance to prove it to you."

"Get off my wife!" Raven shouted as Robert was suddenly ripped off Jennifer. "You fucking asshole!" Raven punched Robert while Jennifer dropped to the floor crying.

"Come here, Baby," North said as he picked her up. "Let me get you out of here, okay?" She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck while trying to pull herself together.

"S...s...sorry," she hiccupped as she tried to stop crying.

"Hush," he said sternly. "You did nothing wrong."

"Y...yes...s...Sir," she hiccupped.

North sat her in his truck while Max jumped up beside her and started licking her face. North reached over to buckle her up and she flinched, making his eyes darken. "I'm not going to touch you."

"S...s...sorry," she sniffled.

"Stop apologizing," he said through clenched teeth as Kota got in the seat behind North and beside Max since he was in between them, leaning on Jennifer.

Raven came walking up to them while shaking blood off his fists. Jennifer paled and quickly looked away while Raven got in the passenger seat. The ride to the house was filled with silence.

"What happened?" Owen asked as he stepped off the porch while they got out of the truck. He spotted Jennifer's tear streaked face and his eyes darkened while her eyes dropped to the ground. "Go get yourself cleaned up," he said coldly.

"Yes Sir," she nodded as she rushed past him and inside the house.

As she came down the stairs she froze hearing someone talking, "Well he does have a point, we know nothing about her. What does that say about us as her husbands when we know nothing and this fucking playboy stalker knows all this? How are we supposed to play the role of doting husbands when we don't know jack shit?"

"And Raven?"

"He beat the shit out of that guy but we don't have to worry about him pressing charges or anything," North grumbled. "Once it dawned on him who we are, he pissed himself."

"And her?"

"I apologize for this happening," she said as she entered the room with her eyes on the ground. "I should have told you about him. I thought he would stop once he knew I wasn't lying about getting married. I was wrong and I am sorry for causing drama. I will leave the study groups first thing in the morning, so I do not cause any more problems."

"We need to talk," Owen said standing. He opened his wallet and pulled out his black card, "My driver will take you to the mall and escort you to the stores, go do some retail therapy."

She nodded and headed out the door. Two hours later she came back with two bags. She set the card on the desk with the receipt and then headed to her room without saying a word to them. Owen looked at the receipt and sighed.

"How much did the princess spend?" North asked in annoyance.

"She spent $20," Owen said shocked.

"What?" the group asked confused.

"She spent $20," he repeated. "She got a micro plush blanket, a book, and a bag of gummy bears."

The group looked at him dumbfounded, "Seriously?"

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