Chapter 35 (Smut)

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"Master, you have been quite stressed as of late. I thought I might be able to help relieve some of that stress," Axel murmured as he landed small kisses along his back up to his neck.

"Pet, did I permit you to enter my room? Did I permit you to touch, yet?" Owen questioned as he swiftly turned around and wrapped his hands around Axel's neck. Putting just enough pressure to have him stop his assault yet not hinder his breathing.

"No, Master, this one just wants to help Master," Axel moaned out.

"On your knees Pet," Owen growled out as his iris darkened to a smoky gray. Axel was quick to drop to his knees. He looked up with lust-hooded eyes to the only man who had ever gotten him to submit. He felt the rise in his pants but he wasn't here for his pleasure.

Owen stared down at his lover waiting in anticipation to please him. Thinking of messing with him he walked around Axel to the other side of the closet where his ties were hung. Grabbing an olive green tie with gold markings he turned around to see that Axel hadn't moved from his spot like the good submissive he was.

Slowly he made his way till he was standing right behind Axel. Without a word he took the tie and covered Axel's eyes, tying it behind his head. A gasp came from Axel though he remained in his position. Owen slowly trailed his fingers down his pet's neck and smirked at the shiver that went through his body.

"Are we going to continue this here where our wife is sleeping?" Owen murmured while he quickly braided his lover's hair. "Can you be quiet or do I have to gag you and take you somewhere else?" A low moan escaped Axel as various images filled his mind. "I know you crave to have her watch and even join but she needs her rest right now." He wrapped the braid around his hand and pulled, tilting the Native American's head back, forcing a lust-filled groan out of his mouth. "Answer me, Pet."

"Gag me, please," Axel whimpered.

"Maybe after I'm done using you since you asked so nicely," Owen growled as he walked back in front of him. "Open," he demanded as he dropped his towel. "Now." Axel opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Owen yanked Axel forward, shoving his throbbing dick into his mouth, letting out a low moan as his lips wrapped around him. "Fuck, you feel so good, Pet."

Axel groaned as he felt Owen thrust in and out of his mouth. He slid his hands up Owen's thighs and cupped his balls squeezing lightly. A low moan escaped Owen's lips as he threw his head back. "Fuck! Just like that Pet, mmm," Owen grunted out as he picked up his pace hitting the back of Axel's throat.

"Hngh, mmmm," Axel moaned and grunted from the onslaught beating his throat was taking. He hollowed out his cheeks causing Owen to let out a louder moan and gripping both sides of his face. He started pumping in and out of his perky lips, face fucking Axel at a speed that he didn't think of anything else. Axel squeezed his ass earning a growl from Owen.

Owen pulled out of his mouth, "strip now." He yanked the blindfold off of him and watched as his lover pulled his shirt over his head then slid his sweats off his hips, letting them fall to the floor. He sat back on the bench then laid back when Owen pushed on his chest. "Such a lovely Pet," Owen whispered as he looked down at Axel. A smirk formed as he walked over to a box in his closet, he reached in then pulled out a gag ball. A moan formed in Axel's throat as Owen slipped it into his mouth and fastened it before placing a kiss on Axel's forehead.

Owen dropped to his knees and wrapped his mouth around Axel's throbbing dick, rewarding him with some quick thrusts before pulling away from him. A whimper left Axel, making Owen chuckle before a gasp filled Owen's ears as warm liquid surrounded the olive skin of his cock. Once Owen was pleased, he dropped the bottle and straddled his lover, easing down on him, moaning as he started rocking.

"Nmmm, shh Pet, we don't want to wake our wife, now do we?" Owen asked as he slowed his pace then gave a big thrust, keeping up this rhythm. Axel's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he choked on his breath trying his hardest not to release a loud moan from the pleasure he was receiving. Axel slid his hands down Owen's chest and wrapped a hand around his cock, trying to match the thrusts Owen was making. Owen reached down and tightened his grip on Axel's throat, giving him a warning growl so Axel gripped his hips. "No touching, Pet, until I say so. Now be good and take what I give you."

Axel gripped Owen's hips and squeezed hard as he erupted in Owen, moaning as he bit down on the ball. His body trembled as Owen tightened around his throat. Axel's body dropped as he panted around the gag. Owen pulled himself off him then flipped him over. Grabbing his tie, he pulled Axel's arms around his back and tied them together. "I didn't give you permission to do that," he growled as he slapped Axel's ass hard and fast. Once it was as red as he wanted, he picked the bottle back up and poured. Satisfied with the amount on his pet, he dropped it and knelt down over him. Kissing down his spine, he slid in, slapping him again as he took in the low moan that came from the man beneath him. Wrapping his hand around Axel's wrists, he pulled out then thrust back in hard and fast. Axel moaned around the ball gag as Owen thrust in and out.

Axel's legs quivered trying to keep in place though he couldn't grip anything with his Master controlling his arms like he wanted. It had been a while since Owen had tied him up and used him like this but they both craved it. "Fucking good Pet," Owen growled as he thrust in him one more time, stilling as he shot into him. He bit down on his neck as his body shook, knowing he would be leaving his mark on his husband for all to see. Once he came down, he pulled his mouth off his neck placing a kiss over the claim mark before gripping his jaw, turning him so he could kiss him properly. "Love you," he whispered as he pulled himself off of him and worked quickly to untie his wrists and undo the ball gag.

He helped Axel sit up correctly then brought him a cup of water, seeing that Jennifer was still sleeping. Axel took the cup and took a deep drink before Owen took the cup back. "Love you," Axel whispered as Owen placed the cup on a shelf then started working on fixing his braid for him. There was a peaceful atmosphere around the two of them that they basked in. Not often had they felt this sense of peace.

"Let's go get you cleaned up now, Pet," Owen whispered by his ear as he tugged on his arm. Axel followed Owen into the bathroom and then into the shower. Owen turned the shower to a warm setting and began lathering a loofah with his body wash. He meticulously scrubs every inch of Axel's body enjoying seeing the goosebumps rise from his tender touch. Once done he guided Axel back under the water and helped rinsed him off. He turned the water off and grabbed two new towels for them to dry off. While Axel was drying, Owen disappeared into his closet and returned with sweats and t-shirts from his closet.

"Thank you," Axel said with a smile. Owen gave a millimeter smile and a head nod as he got dressed. Owen finished putting the T-shirt on and looked at his lover. Scanning his body clothed in his garments, enjoying the sight while Axel had a small blush from the extra attention he was receiving though he was enjoying Owen's figure also. "Love you."

Holding his hand out, Owen said, "Love you more now come, let's go see how our wife is fairing."

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