Chapter 33

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They were only in their office for a few minutes before the door opened and a man walked in reeking of desperation. He wore a black slacks and a white button-down shirt. His hair was salt and pepper and his eyes were sunken in with exhaustion.

"How can we help you, Mr. Nowak?" Owen asked as he adjusted his cufflinks.

"I would like to sign a contract," Mr. Nowak said as he sat in the chair Owen motioned to. "Someone is trying to take my wife from me. I want him taken care of."

"What makes you think that?" Axel asked as he played with a knife.

"Well for starters is that she is currently living with him and has filed divorce papers against me," Mr. Nowak began before being cut off by Marc.

"Well, that just sounds like a failed marriage, or am I missing something here? You do realize who you are talking to, correct?" Marc said in a bored tone as he sat back against his chair using a knife to pick underneath his fingernails.

"A perfect marriage of 20 years and suddenly I am a horrible man treating her like a servant, then the love of my life thrown in my face by some lackey that barely makes $100,000 a year? She met him by chance at a charity event and then he started stalking her. Here is your damn proof!" Mr. Nowak grumbled before throwing a yellow envelope on the table till making it slide close to the group.

Owen picked up the envelope and dumped its contents on the table. Pictures of all kinds fell out showing a woman in designer clothes meeting with a man wearing decent clothing. It looked like they were conversing in secret and in one photo showed her crying and the man guiding her into his arms with his head down by her ear possibly saying something.

Scoffing Nathan rolled his eyes and grunted, "Looks like a failed marriage to me." Owen glared up at Nathan for a moment before looking toward Mr. Nowak.

"We don't interfere with personal relationships unless someone has done something against morality. We don't just kill to kill," Owen said as he tossed a picture onto the desk.

"I have cameras throughout my whole property and had caught this recording of my dear wife on the phone with this punk," Mr. Nowak said as he pulled his phone out and played a recording on speaker.

"I mean he doesn't really," a soft woman's voice came through. "You really think it's brainwashing? ......I mean I don't really like caring for him all the time......I do, do a lot of things around the home........" There were pauses between her answers and with each one she sounded more and more perplexed.

"I don't like it, I....I can't stand his touch. are all I can think about. It hurts not being with you. I....I can't take being here anymore," she admitted. The men couldn't tell if she really was being led to believe wrongly of Mr. Nowak or if it was a serious denial of her true feelings.

"Of course, I have my inheritance and with the divorce, I will receive half of everything," she replied happily, and the recording stopped. This caused a huge suspicion of what truly was going on.

"This will need to be investigated more thoroughly," Owen said as he sat his glass of amber liquid down. "If this is something worth our time, we need to discuss payment."

"I own 25 acres close to here," Mr. Nowak said as he pulled a piece of paper out of the inside pocket of his jacket. "It belonged to my family but it's mine now. It's nothing but land and I really don't have anything to do with it. You can have it."

Axel yanked the paper and skimmed it over. A quick glance to Owen before he handed it back. "We will discuss it and give you a call shortly."

"Seriously? I want my wife back! I'll even throw in an amount of cash for a quick retrieval along with the disposal of that wretched punk!" Mr. Nowak exclaimed till suddenly he felt a cold thin material pressed against his neck.

"No demand us, you respect us! We say think, we think. Unless you want join Hell?" Raven growled out as he held his knife to Mr. Nowak's throat. "Ready see Death?"

"No," Mr. Nowak gulped, "I get it. I will wait for your call." Raven glared before pulling his knife away leaving a small paper cut.


"Now, if there is nothing else you have for proof, I think that is the end of our meeting. Have a lively day, Mr. Nowak," Owen said as he crossed his leg over his knee and threw back his drink in one gulp.

Mr. Nowak scurried out of the room so fast, the team wondered if his ass was on fire. "Mr. B, what are your thoughts?" Brandon asked as he adjusted his position in the seat.

"I think we have a sick wife to get back home to. As for this meeting, we will wait till she is asleep and hold a family meeting. Till then I don't want one word spoken," Owen said as he set the glass on the table and stood up. "Someone text our family and let them know we are on our way home." He fastened his jacket, "Oh and see if we need to pick anything up for our wife."

"Luke says she is sleeping but not to forget you promised her a surprise," North said as he looked at his phone. "He sent a picture of her sleeping."

Everyone pulled out their phones and smirked when they saw the picture of her laying on Luke's chest while holding the strawberry kitten squishmellow. Owen saved the image as his background before slipping his phone back into his pocket then headed for the door.

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