Chapter 3

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Jennifer opened her bright blue eyes while slowly letting her breath out as her bedroom door opened the following morning. She watched as a few of her husbands walked into her room and she carefully dropped her legs as she got out of the headstand she was doing during her yoga routine. She picked up the towel and wiped her sweat off her forehead.

"Sirs?" She asked as she adjusted her yoga pants before picking up her button up shirt and slipped it on covering her sports bra. They continued to watch her, making her start to feel nervous, "I was just doing some yoga poses."

"Yoga?" one of them asked.

"Yes," she nodded, "the pose I was just doing is Salamba Sirsasana. It's good for the spine and core."

"Anyway," another rolled his eyes like he was already bored of the situation. "Get dressed, you need to hire the maids or whatever."

"May I ask why?" she asked nervously as she picked up her water bottle.

"You are seriously questioning our decision?" the native american asked.

"No Sir, I was just wondering why when I am supposed to be taking care of the house," she tried to explain her thinking.

The man with green eyes and glasses sighed, "We can't have you exhausting yourself cleaning the entire mansion, it wouldn't look good on us, now would it?"

"Just hurry up and get dressed, the agencies will be arriving soon for their interviews," the grumpy one glared. "Breakfast is ready also."

She looked at them shocked, "But..." Their glares made her quickly shut her mouth and gulp, "Yes Sir," she murmured as she rushed to her bathroom.

As she was coming down the stairs she heard talking, "How much longer is she going to take? We do have other things to do today."

"She shouldn't be too much longer," another one sighed, "she was working out so she has to take a shower then make herself presentable. She knows not to upset us."

"Are you sure about that?" another one asked. She noticed he had a slight accent. "We still haven't even introduced ourselves to her, much less had a civil conversation with her. Hell, she is probably still confused on why there were only nine of us at the ceremony with her parents and yet fourteen of us living here. You have to admit she is doing a good job of adapting to everything we've thrown at her so far and this is the first time she has asked a question about her new life. Don't forget she did leave everything and everyone she knows behind her. Do we even know that she knows about the agreement between us and her father?"

"Doesn't matter," another said, "her father said she knows she is bound to us and her mother raised her to be the perfect trophy wife for us, that's all that matters."

"Look, I don't want to be married to some stranger either, and I want the end result also so for this to work, we have to give her a little bit of credit when it's due, that's all that I'm saying."

"We are," someone else said, "we are hiring a freaking cleaning crew to come into our sanctuary so she doesn't kill herself from exhaustion cooking, cleaning, going to school, and the outings we are forced to do with her to keep up the stupid charade of being happily married. The least she can do is not freaking take forever getting ready."

"Enough," someone cleared their throat, "once we are done with the interviews we will have a group conversation and make it clear where we stand and what we expect, okay?"

Jennifer stepped off the stairs and adjusted her belt on her sundress since it was slightly askew. Taking a step, her heels clacked against the hardwood floor as she stepped off the carpet runner on the staircase. The dining room pocket doors slid open as one of the men stood in the doorway, "Sorry for–"

"Just get in here," he sighed, rolling his eyes.

She nodded and entered the room, "Sit," someone else said pointing to a chair next to the chair where Owen was sitting with his phone in front of him. She quickly rushed over to the chair and carefully sat with her ankles crossed and her hands in her lap.

"I will ask all the questions," Owen stated and she nodded. "You will give your opinion after we narrow down the candidates."

"Yes Sir," She nodded as someone placed a plate in front of her.

Once she was halfway through eating, her watch beeped, causing the men to look at her. "What was that?" one of the twins asked.

"It's my alarm to let me know I need to be getting ready for my classes," she said nervously. "Am I still allowed to attend my classes?"

"It is to be expected since you discussed it in the interviews," Owen nodded.

"May I ask something else?" She said, setting her fork down.

"What?" The man covered in tattoos glared.

"Will someone be accompanying me to my study group this afternoon?"

"What study group and why?" Owen asked.

"I have study groups for statistics, economics both micro and macro, business analytics, and international strategic management. Most of the groups are all men and I was just wondering because I didn't want to accidentally cause rumors or poor representation if I am seen attending or leaving a group–"

"Mr. Lee, Mr. Taylor Junior, and Mr. Ravenstahl will accompany you," Owen said, setting his cup down. "Mr. Lee handles all of our finances so he can help with any mathematical problems you need help with, and Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ravenstahl will make it very clear that you are a married woman."

"Of course, not like I have any other plans," the man dressed in all black grumbled.

"I apologize," she said quickly, "I can leave the study groups if I need to."

"No," Owen glared, "you will continue your education."

"Do I need to? I mean, you will be taking over Father's company now, won't you?" she blurted out.

"Excuse me?"

"I thought...I mean..." her stomach started to twist under all the glares.

The intercom buzzed announcing someone at the gate. Owen intensified his glare on her, "This conversation isn't over."

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