Chapter 24

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"I swear I spank that ass," Raven growled as he followed Corey, who just told everyone that she was going to another store. He checked his phone again and sure enough there was no new text from her letting them know she was going somewhere else. "Nyet listen."

"She's trying Rave," Corey sighed as he looked at his phone again. "She did tell us the other two times, maybe something just caught her...who is she talking to?"

"That's the reporter," Owen whispered as they watched her stare at the nursery furniture.

"Why is she talking to a reporter?" Nathan asked.

"Shut up," North growled.

"Fourteen," Jennifer said firmly. "I have fourteen husbands, not nine."

"Fuck yes," Gabe whispered.

"Shut up," North growled again.

They stood there in silence as they listened to her talk while anger, pride, and a mixture of other emotions flowed through them as she spoke.

"And you are really okay with me looking into and releasing this information about your parents, Mrs. Blackbourne? This will cause a huge shitstorm," the reporter said.

They held their breath as they waited for her response. The moment she spotted then she tensed and while they wanted to walk over to her they remained still, sending support in whatever she decided to do next. Warmth flooded through them when acceptance filled her eyes, giving them pride in knowing they were one step closer to her becoming theirs.


"Very well," the reporter nodded as she stopped the recording on her phone and slid it into her purse. "Thank you for everything Mrs. Blackbourne, I will be in contact so you can approve everything before I release it."

"Thank you for your support, Miss Mays, and if you have any questions my husbands will gladly give you the information you need," Jennifer said as the reporter quickly left. She looked back at the group then cleared her throat before slowly walking over to them, their eyes never leaving hers.

She stopped a few feet away from them, "Um...I know I forgot to...but...then...and I just—"

"Are you ready for this?" Axel interrupted her anxiety filled rambling.

"No," she shook her head instantly. "I was just so angry, and she was there, and it just spilled out and—"

"Good," Axel interrupted. "Your brain is starting to recognize the need to break away from them. How do you feel now?"

"Confused, angry, hurt, tired, I don't know," she admitted.

"Then let's go home," Sean said as he held his hand out. "You need to rest."

"Can we stop somewhere and get something to eat first?" she asked nervously as she slowly slid her hand into his.

"Of course," North smirked. "What sounds good?"

She bit her lip as she tried to think of what sounded good, "don't bite your lip, Babe," Brandon said as he gently pulled it free, "you'll hurt yourself."

"Sorry," she mumbled as a soft blush appeared on her cheeks.

"So adorable," he chuckled as he shook his head, "so what are you hungry for?"

"Hamburger and fries?" she said the first thing that popped into her head.

"Fuck yes, that sounds perfect!" Gabe smirked while nodding. "Fucking brilliant."

"Proud of you," North said as he put his arm around her shoulders. She looked at him then down to her hand in Sean's hand then back to him with confusion. He bent down until his mouth was right beside her ear, "don't worry Baby Girl, we like you touching us and allowing us to touch you, means you're accepting us." She nodded but he could tell she was still a little unsure. "Anyway," he said standing back up straight, "proud of you for speaking your mind and being honest with us."

He had to admit he liked how her eyes lit up at his praise, that was something they were definitely going to have to do more of he realized. "Thank you, Sir," she whispered as they led her out of the mall.

They headed to Bob's Diner and when the waiter came over Owen spoke, "our wife will have a hamburger, no tomatoes, no onions, with cheese and bacon. She would like barbeque sauce and she would prefer seasoned fries over regular ones. If you have curly fries, that would be better. She would also like a chocolate milkshake to drink. I will have the same."

She looked up at him in shock then smiled gratefully as she rested her head on his shoulder. He put his hand on her thigh and gently squeezed. "Are you ready for what is about to happen?"

"No," she whispered before clearing her throat, "but my heart and mind are telling me it's the right thing to do."

"It is," he confirmed before giving her another reassuring squeeze. "And no matter what happens we will be right there beside you."

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