Chapter 36

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Seeing that Jennifer was still fast asleep in the middle of Owen's bed, they got on each side of her and fell fast asleep. Jennifer woke up and tensed when she felt two hands on her back. Lifting her head, she realized that she was in Owen's room. Turning she saw that Axel was on the other side of her. Confused and worried, she carefully climbed over Owen and slipped out of the room. Rushing to her room, she stepped into the shower and bit her lip. She tried to think of the past couple of days but no memories came back. The last thing she remembered was feeling sick but she felt better now so she could surmise that she was no longer sick.

Quickly washing and rinsing off, she turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her body. She stepped into her closet after she rubbed lotion over her body, she slipped on a button-down dress and wrapped a belt around it before slipping on some white Vans. French braiding her hair, she fastened it then applied some natural-looking makeup then headed to the kitchen.

Starting the coffee maker, she started pulling out ingredients to make breakfast burritos. "What do you think our little one will want for breakfast?" Marc asked someone as she froze hearing him talking to someone. "Do you think she will still be little now that she is no longer sick?"

"Don't know," North said as they walked closer to the kitchen "but let's make it simple incase she is."

"Oh good morning Little One," Marc said as he spotted her in front of the stove. "What are you doing?"

She dropped the spatula as memories came rushing back. " breakfast burritos?" she asked nervously.

"So you're no longer little," Marc smiled as he walked over to her and placed a kiss on her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

" eggs!" She squeaked as she turned back to the stove and tried to focus on what was in front of her.

"I'll handle breakfast, you go sit down," North said as he came up behind her.

", okay," she whispered before leaving the kitchen and sitting in the living room. She tried to calm her rising anxiety but it wasn't working. 'How could I behave in such an unladylike manner? I'm not a child but a wife, how could I do that?'

"Hey Little One," Silas smiled as he kissed the top of her head, "want me to turn on Strawberry Shortcake for you?"

"No thank you," she murmured as she pulled a pillow into her lap.

"Oh I see we aren't little anymore," he said as he sat down beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Um, yes I am fine," she murmured as she messed with her dress. "I started breakfast but they took over cooking it."

"Oh, well thank you for starting it, although we don't want you over-pushing yourself now that you are on the mend," Silas said as he observed her. He noticed she wasn't making eye contact, and kept fiddling with either her dress or fingers, a blush tainted her cheeks and if looking closely, there was a tremor in her shoulders.

"I...I didn't...didn't really do anything," she whispered as she had a faraway look. She didn't realize she was slowly bringing her thumb closer to her mouth.

"Well, even if you only pulled out the ingredients it was still a mighty big help. So thank you, Angelos Mou," Silas said as he patted her head. He watched as her blush darkened and a small smile graced her luscious lips. She felt the tip of her thumb on her lips so she quickly dropped her hand and ran her hand over her dress.

"Here you go, Baby Girl," North said as he walked over to her and handed her a plate. "Marc is making your coffee now."

"But I'm supposed to be doing this," she murmured as she took the plate from him. "I'm the wife."

"Baby Girl, what have we talked about?" North said with a hint of dominance in his voice.

"We are supposed to take care of each other," she whispered. "And I'm still recovering from being sick so I should be resting."

"That's right, Cupcake!" Luke exclaimed as he came bouncing into the room with a big smile on his face. "Now, why the frown so early in the morning? Does someone need morning cuddles to turn that frown upside down?"

Her face was scarlett by now between all the attention she was receiving, the reprimand she just received, along with the rushing of memories of the previous few days' events. "I'm fine," she whispered as she played with the edge of the pillow in her lap.

"There you are," Owen said as he entered the living room. "Why did you leave the bed, Little One?"

Silas cleared his throat and shook his head. "Our lovely wife started breakfast but North and Marc took over so she could rest," he said as he pulled her feet into his lap.

"Is that so? And how are you feeling today, Wife?" Owen asked as he took a seat in his recliner.

"I'm well thank you, Husband," she murmured as she stared down at the plate with the breakfast burrito. For some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to eat. Like she had lost her appetite, maybe due to the rising of her anxiety though she was trying to maintain composure.

"Why aren't you eating?" North asked as he walked in with a plate for Owen. "Want me to make it another way for you?"

"No thank you," she whispered, "just not hungry at the moment."

"You lost too much weight while you were sick," North frowned. "You need to eat."

"I...I'm sorry," she said as tears surfaced in her eyes though she didn't allow a drop to fall. Mustering up the courage she brought the burrito to her mouth and took a small nibble. Satisfied to see her attempting to eat, North returned back to the kitchen to finish helping Marc make everyone's plates.

"What's wrong?" Silas asked as he pulled the plate from her trembling hands. "Are you worried about you slipping in front of us, Angelos Mou?"

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