Chapter 38

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"Yes," Axel nodded, "do you remember Owen telling you we had to go to an important meeting and if you were good we would get you a present?"

Jennifer sniffled and nodded, "yes but...I...I...w...was...nee...needy an...and...dis...dis...disturbed..." she sniffled again, "sleep and and..."

"And been exactly how we wanted you to be," Axel shook his head as he knelt down in front of her. "We want you to be whiny and needy for us. We love that you cling to us, it makes us proud that you want to be with us so much. We crave that," he gently gripped her chin between his thumb and pointer finger, "it would have hurt our feelings and made us slightly mad if you suffered in pain because you didn't want to wake us. You are our perfect good girl, Jennifer Blackbourne Ravenstahl, understand?"

She sniffled and smiled as she held her arms out. Axel chuckled as he hugged her, not releasing his hold until she broke her hold. She looked over at Owen and he gave her that millimeter smile of his as he knelt down and hugged her. Each one had their turn in hugging her before Silas wrapped his arms back around her and pulled her into a comforting hold. A sigh of happiness painted his neck as she relaxed into his arms. She heard a shuffling and then Silas was moving her so she had her back against his chest but he still had his arms around her holding her in his lap.

"For our wife," Victor smiled as he held out a box that had a sheer pink ribbon wrapped around it.

"Thank you," she whispered as she took it from him. She slipped the ribbon off, not wanting to ruin its beauty. She gently raised the lid and gasped. There in front of her was a rose gold necklace with a teardrop opal gem surrounded by diamonds. Next to the necklace was a bracelet of rainbow opal gems. Next to that was a heart shaped pink opal stone with diamonds on the sides. These were simply breathtaking and she had trouble believing they were hers. "So beautiful, thank you."

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"Not as beautiful as you," Silas murmured as he held her hair up while Victor clasped the necklace around her throat

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"Not as beautiful as you," Silas murmured as he held her hair up while Victor clasped the necklace around her throat. Owen slipped her bracelet on while Raven slid her ring onto her left ring finger. She ran her fingers over the bracelet looking at all the different colors when her fingers reached the clasp she frowned, "lock?"

"Yes," Owen nodded as he watched her trace over the little padlock that was in the shape of a heart. "That way only us and you can remove it. As a symbol of our devotion to one another and only one another. You are ours as much as we are yours." She looked up and saw that they weren't wearing a necklace or ring but Silas moved his hand into her range of vision and once again her breath hitched as she took in the J that was now tattooed on his left ring finger in a pretty lettering. Her finger traced over it before she leaned over and saw that the rest of them held their hand out to show the matching tattoo on their hands as well. "Yours."

She sniffled but smiled and nodded, "Yours."

Silas kissed the back of her head and smirked when he felt her shiver then melt into his hold a little more. "Feel better, Angelos Mou?"

"Still embarrassed but trying," she whispered as she kept her hold on her ring. The men smirked when they noticed, it made them feel good that she liked it so much.

"Thank you for being honest," he murmured into her hair, "we'll help you get rid of those lies trying to fill your pretty little head. Now, do you think you can try and eat some breakfast? North was right, you lost too much weight, we don't like you being so skinny."

She tensed and opened her mouth but then stopped and shut it before nodding. "I can try."

"Thank you," North said as he knelt before her and lifted a breakfast burrito up. She took a bite and started chewing, making North smile. After eating two burritos he was satisfied and walked off to get started on cleaning the kitchen. She leaned back into Silas hold and closed her eyes, relaxing in the comforting hold he wrapped her up in. Before she knew it she had drifted off to sleep once more.

"Let her sleep," Axel whispered as he watched her, "she needs it after that whirlwind."

"What the fuck did she mean by punish?" Gabe whispered as he popped his knuckles, not being able to hold it in any longer. Luke was actually shocked he managed to wait as long as he did before asking.

"Not exactly sure," Owen shook his head, "but clearly if she did anything her father deemed not appropriate he punished her in some fashion. We will find out in due time but for now we will just have to continue explaining and showing her that nothing she does deserves that kind of fear of repercussions. She will never have to face that kind of fear again."

The men agreed, "Agreed."

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