Chapter 45

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Her father strutted forward with chains in his hand that had her eyes widening. "What the hell are you doing, Father? I won't be a part of your crazy schemes anymore!" she yelled as she thrashed trying to get out of Mr. Nowak's grasp. A burning pain suddenly erupted on her left cheek as she fell sideways off the bed onto the cold floor. She felt the different-sized rocks and pebbles embed her skin. She wanted to cry but a small part of her told her to be strong for every bruise and cut she received her husbands would repay tenfold.

"You shall wear these to restrict your movements as we have a lesson room set up for you next door. Now, be a good daughter and listen to your father," Albert said as he attached the heavy chains to her ankles. Tears were gathered in her eyes at the accumulation of her emotions. Not wasting a moment, Albert grasped her forearm and hoisted her up. He pulled her along not caring if her feet could keep up or not with the added weight. Across the hall that was illuminated by a lantern was another metal door.

Albert pushed it open to reveal a cleaner room with a chair that had leather straps on the arms of it, and straps at the top of the tall headrest to anchor her body down. To the left wall where the chair faced was a 52" TV mounted on the wall. Next to it was a corkboard that she'd seen her elementary school teachers have next to the whiteboards or by their desks. A metal cabinet filled the back wall with multiple cupboards, drawers, and a single barn sink in the middle. The room had low lighting making the room have an ominous feeling to it.

Albert pushed her into the chair and quickly began to strap her down

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Albert pushed her into the chair and quickly began to strap her down. She tried to fight but he was too strong for her. Mr. Nowak walked leisurely to the table under the TV and picked up the remote. He clicked a few buttons till a video displayed. The title read The Ways of an Aristocratic Woman and showed a woman elegantly dressed with a fixed smiling face.

He slipped the remote into his pocket and smiled as he then walked over to a medical table. "Now since we know you are being a bit troublesome right now, we will give you this. Nothing to worry about, Mrs. Watson, it's perfectly harmless, just something to help calm your theatrics down and be more compliant to your lessons. Once you start behaving then it will go much easier for you."

"No," she said through clenched teeth as she watched him walk over to her with a sly smile on his face. His eyes gleamed with darkness as he held up a syringe and flicked it twice to get any air bubbles out of it. There was some sort of liquid in it but with it being so dark, she couldn't tell anything else about it, which made her chest tighten even more with fear.

"You don't talk to me or any man with such disrespect," he glared at her. "I see what you mean, Albert, about her insolence. Here we are trying to be nice, proper gentlemen and treat her wounds physically and mentally and she wants to be rude." He sighed and shook his head, "She has more work than I anticipated but oh well, I can make some adjustments."

"Do whatever you need," Albert said as he glanced at his watch. "The paperwork for the divorce should be arriving momentarily."

"Albert, I told you," she watched as the so-called Mr. Nowak shook his head, "with no consummation of the marriage it's an annulment."

"Whatever," her father shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me as long as I get what I want. She deserves whatever punishment you see fit with the way she's been acting. Clearly I haven't been tough enough on her and her mother. I see the error of my ways now."

"We will get the both of you properly trained in no time," Mr. Nowak said as he pulled the needle out of her skin. "There, see no fuss no problems," he smiled at her, taking great pleasure in seeing the anger and defiance in her eyes. He loved watching them break at his hands, there was nothing better to him. Try as she might, Jennifer just couldn't combat the drug and felt herself slowly relax into the chair. Her mind quietened and all she could do was stare ahead as numbness took over.

"Now, you just sit tight and enjoy the video while we go take care of matters. It will play on repeat until our return," Mr. Nowak said as he led the way out of the room with Albert following close behind.

"Lesson one, our role in life is to be the perfect trophy wife for our husband or husbands. We must remember at all times that our father will pick the perfect man or men for our family and we will never question our father's decisions for us. I will always look perfect for our husbands so we will not bring dishonor upon them, nor will we ever question their decisions as they know what is best. We are meant to be seen and not heard and will always be available to them for whenever they need us. While our husbands will provide everything we need, they will never love us."

She tried to block out the woman's talking with memories of the previous days but it was hard when she could hear the woman's nasally voice in the background. She closed her eyes and prayed that her husbands would find her soon.

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