Chapter 7

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"The paperback book was $7.50, the gummy bears were $1.50, and the blanket was ten plus tax it was $20," Owen said looking at the receipt.

"You're joking," Gabriel said once he could pick his mouth up from the ground.

"Why would I joke?" Owen asked glaring at him, "Especially over something like that." He picked up his phone, "Get in here." A couple of minutes later the driver walked into the room. "Explain."

"Mrs. Blackbourne barely spoke to me, Sir," he said calmly. "She did not go to any clothing stores, nor did she enter the food court. She asked that I take her somewhere else, so I did, Sir. She mainly spent her time in Half Price Books. She took pictures of numerous books covers there and I saw her adding them to a list she has on her phone. She then had me take her to Walmart and she spent time walking around. It is there that she purchased her items before she asked that I bring her back. I think she feared she was gone too long Sir because she lost some color when she realized what time it was."

"You are telling me that she had a black card to go spend at the mall and instead she went to fucking Walmart and only spent $20?" Gabe asked in disbelief.

"Yes Sir," the driver said nodding.

"Very well," Owen said straightening his tie. "Thank you." The driver left and Owen adjusted his cuff links. "This is..."

He trailed off as noise came from the kitchen. They walked into the kitchen and found her moving her head along to whatever music she was listening to in her headphones. She jumped when she turned and saw them standing there. Quickly lowering her headphones to her neck, she cleared her throat, "Um I'm making tacos for dinner. I have tostadas, regular flour tortillas, hard shell, and taco salad bowls. I was just about to dice the onions and tomatoes. It shouldn't be too much longer, I'm sorry I lost track of time and dinner will be a little late, it won't happen again."

"Go sit, we can finish," Luke said as he walked over to her. "You had a hard day."

"No, it's okay," she protested. "The wife cooks the meals, and the husbands enjoy it."

"What?" Owen asked. "Say that again."

"The...the wife cooks the meals and the husbands enjoy it?"

"Get out," He said coldly.

"But the meat—" she tried to explain.

"Get one thing straight right now Little Girl," he said straightening his tie. "Your mother may have groomed you to be a dutiful 50's house wife but I know for a fact your father taught you to listen to us and what we say overrules anything that's been engrained in that little brain of yours. What we say goes from here on out. Now, Lucian said we will finish cooking so get out of this kitchen and go cover up with that new blanket of yours and read your precious little book now."

She sat the knife down beside the onion and rushed out of the room. Marc picked up the knife and got started on peeling the onion. Luke grabbed another and started working on the tomatoes while North took over cooking the meat.

"I think it's time we had that talk with her, Owen," Axel said as he watched Nathan start shredding the lettuce and Brandon started grabbing plates. "She needs to clearly understand her place and what happened at the wedding."

"It looks like we have some untraining to do as well," Silas said shaking his head.

"Very well," Owen nodded. "After dinner we will talk."

Once dinner was ready, Victor headed up the stairs and knocked on her door, "Come in," her soft voice called out.

Victor opened the door and stepped in. Taking a quick glance around he spotted her in the window seat. She was curled up with her new blanket and her book was in her lap. "Dinner is ready."

She got up and followed him into the dining room. "Thank you," she said to Victor when he pulled her chair out then pushed her in once she sat down.

"You are welcome," he said as he sat down.

"What would like?" North asked as he took her plate from in front of her. She started to say something but the look on his face made her stop. She cleared her throat and said, "A taco salad bowl with just meat, cheese, lettuce, and mild sauce, please."

North made it and sat it back in front of her. "Silas?" he asked taking Silas' plate.

She watched as they worked together to make everyone's plate. "Is there anything you would like to ask us, Jennifer?" Owen asked as he sat his water bottle down.

She sat her fork down and thought about it for a minute. In reality, she was trying to understand what was happening. They were being kind to her and that wasn't what she used to. Finally deciding to just stick with something she could handle, she asked, "Am I withdrawing from the study groups in the morning, Sir?"

"No," Owen shook his head. "You will continue your classes and study groups. That boy has been kicked out of the university and arrested for sexual assault, stalking, and attempted kidnapping."

"Oh," she said softly, "thank you."

"For what?" Owen asked. "We are your husbands. It is our job to protect and take care of you. It would have looked bad if we did not properly handle the incident."

She nodded, "Of course."

"Anyway," he cleared his throat and pushed his plate away. "Once everyone is done, we will be heading to the living room to have a discussion. There are a few things we need to clear up."

She nodded as her stomach dropped, "Yes Sir."

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