Chapter 46

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"Why is there cardboard?" Brandon asked as he looked at the wreck. "Were there boxes in the trunk?"

"Not that I know of," North shook his head. "Why?" He followed where Brandon was pointing and frowned. "We don't own any white boxes."

Raven pried the trunk open and called out, "Lots white box here."

"What the fuck are you talking...Build A Bear?" Gabe asked as he looked into the trunk. "She got each of us a fucking Build A Bear."

"What are you going on about, Gabe?" Nathan asked as he walked over to them. He burst out laughing as he shook his head. "There are stuffies for each of us, Guys. The boxes are labeled to us."

"What?" North asked.

"There are one, two...fifteen boxes in here," Nathan said as he peered into the trunk. "Each one has our name and there is even one for Max."

"Salvage what you can and record everything. We need to find our wife," Owen commanded as he started to formulate a plan. "And when we find her, we're putting trackers in her jewelry. This is never happening again but still they are going in."

The men nodded, "Agreed."

"I found her little backpack," Victor said as he pulled it out of the backseat. "I kind of feel weird about looking in it, a man isn't supposed to touch a woman's purse, but it might have something in it that could help us."

"Look," Owen demanded. "She isn't going to mind since it's regarding her safety."

"Is there anything in there?" Kota asked. "Find her cell phone?"

"Yeah but the last thing was her texting us," Victor said as he scrolled through the calls and messages. "Everything looks fine," he dropped it back in her bag. "She went to a few stores but nothing that shows she knew this was going to happen." Victor zipped it back up with the handkerchief he used to open her bag and go through her few items she had in it. "We need to get this inspected in case they touched it."

"We will," Axel nodded. "I'm guessing since Owen is on the phone, he's already making some phone calls to our associates."

"You know damn well that he is," Gabe growled. "We need to fucking find her, especially if her asshole father is involved."

"How?" Nathan asked. "He's locked up, remember?"

"If he still has friends then all it takes is a phone call," Victor shrugged. "With all the associates he's met over the years and now with her standing up to him, it wouldn't surprise me if he ordered this."

"If he did, he will pay," Owen growled as he hung up his phone. "Our associates are sending their people out to see what they can find out for us."

"Doc?" Kota asked as he watched Sean walk around the vehicle repeatedly while muttering to himself.

"Huh?" Sean asked as he snapped out of his thoughts. "There's too much blood."

"What?" multiple men asked.

"Even taking into account William and Charles' injuries, there's too much blood," he shook his head. "She's really hurt and there's nothing I can do." His jaw clenched as he rubbed his neck. "Owen."

Owen stormed over to Sean and gripped his jaw, forcing him to look into his eyes, "She is going to be okay. We will find her and you're going to make her all better while the rest of us make whoever did this pay severely. As we release our judgment you will keep them alive so they suffer for a very long time for doing this to our wife. We will find her, I swear it to you and the rest of our family."

"The bears are fucking loaded up," Gabe said as he looked around. "I'll fucking clean them up and if anything needs repaired, I'll fucking fix it."

"Why would she get us bears?" Brandon frowned.

"May be fucking something else," Gabe glared. "Build A Bear has other fucking animals and it doesn't fucking matter the reason behind it. She chose them for us and we're fucking keeping them in our goddamn rooms."

"I didn't fucking say I had a problem with it," Brandon growled back. "And of fucking course I'm keeping whatever it is. It came from her. I just don't know why she would get us a stuffed animal."

"Enough," Axel demanded. "We aren't going to start lashing out at each other. As for why our wife decided that, only she can answer that. She had her reasons when she created them and that's all that matters. She made them with love and that's enough for us. Now if there isn't anything else we can gather from here, let's load up and go home. We need to get some rest before we start hunting again."

"I don't know about you, but there's no way I can sleep now," Luke shook his head.

"As much as we don't want to, we need to," Sean shook his head. "We need to be at our best when we find her and that means we need to sleep. We can't rescue her if we're weak and sleep-deprived. She needs us now more than ever and that means we need to be at our best. We can take shifts, that way someone is always searching in some way until we find out where she is."

"Sean is right, now if we are done here let's get to the mansion now," Owen commanded as he watched their associates finally arrive and get straight to work. "Actually, let's head to the hospital. I want to know how William and Charles are doing and what they have to say about this."

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