Chapter 2

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Jennifer woke to her alarm and quickly turned it off. She sat up and looked around confused but reality came crashing down minutes later. Oh yeah, that's right, she was in her new house. She got out of bed and did her morning routine of getting ready. Once she was properly dressed, as her mother had taught her, she quietly left her room and started looking for the kitchen.

Upon finding it, she turned on the stove light so not to cast too much light and began looking around the kitchen searching for ingredients so she could began cooking breakfast. Not finding an apron, she quietly went back to her room, grabbed the one she brought from home, and went back to the kitchen.

After tying it, she began making homemade pancakes and waffles. Not really sure what her new husbands likes, she decided to make a buffet, so she added some blueberries and chocolate chips to some of the pancakes and waffles, left some plain, then also cut up some various fruits she found. Noticing that there were multiple coffee pots, she started making all of them as well as started the tea kettle on the stove in case someone wanted tea. She finished taking the bacon out of the oven when she remembered that she saw sausage in the fridge.

"I better make some in case someone doesn't like bacon," she murmured to herself as she washed her hands then dried them with a clean spot on her apron.

Just as she finished shaping the sausage patties the kitchen light came on. "Oh!" She gasped in surprise as she turned around. She gulped when she saw all fourteen of her husbands standing in the entrance of the kitchen looking around at everything before turning their eyes on her. "I...I..." she stuttered under their intense gaze. Clearing her throat, she asked, "15 minutes?" The oven timer dinged, "Oh the biscuits!" she gasped as she turned back to the stove. She placed the now formed sausage on the cast iron skillet then went to the sink to wash her hands again. Quickly glancing over her shoulder as she dried her hands, she noticed that they had left the kitchen, leaving her alone again. She blew a strand of hair that slipped out of her braid out of the way and pulled the golden brown biscuits out of the stove and placed them on the cooling rack.

Once the sausages were done, she picked up the notepad and pen she had placed on the counter and began searching for the men. Finding them at the dining room table, she cautiously walked over to them. "Um, over easy, over medium, or scrambled?"

They callously told her and she quickly went back to make the eggs per their answers. Once they were done, she began bringing everything to the table. Once everything was placed on the table, the man with grey eyes and black rimmed glasses, cleared his throat, "Sit down."

"Yes Husband," She murmured as she began to head to the empty chair.

"Do NOT call us that," he demanded.

"I apologize, yes Sir," she quickly answered as she sat down.

He cleared his throat, "After breakfast, make yourself presentable. We have interviews from the media, that will take most of the day. Once we are done, the driver will bring you back here, we will go to work afterwards and will not return until late tonight."

"Yes Sir." The rest of breakfast was done in silence. She glanced around and internally sighed, so this was her life now.

As she left her room, she heard talking downstairs. "She is 19 years old for Christ sakes! WE are in our 30's, what were we thinking agreeing to this?"

"That it would be very good for business," another stated. "Arranged marriages are almost always for financial gain."

"Like we aren't already rich enough," another scoffed. "Seriously, why did we agree to this? I thought we were happy together, why didn't we just marry?"

"Enough," the leader of the group stated. "Let's just get this over with already. Is SHE ready yet? What is taking so long?"

"I'm right here, Sir," she said as she started coming down the stairs, her grey pinstriped dress and natural makeup making her look older than she really is.

The ride was in complete silence, for which she was grateful, her nerves were already shot with the fear of making them look bad without even realizing it.

Once they arrived, she took a deep breath and masked her emotions as she followed them inside. Feeling a hand on her lower back as she was gently led to the couch should have felt safe but she knew it was all a ruse for the cameras.

"Mr. Blackbourne, how does it feel to be married now?" One of the reporters asked.

"It feels great," the man with grey eyes nodded. "Our family is now complete."

"And what do you say to the people stating that since she is so young, she is obviously just in it for the money?" another reporter asked.

"Would you like to address that, Darling?" he asked turning to Jennifer.

She smiled softly, "If you don't mind, Dear." He nodded so she turned back to the reporters, "Well if I was in it for the money, then I guess that prenup that we drew up and signed was for nothing then." She chuckled and placed her hand on Owen's knee. He grabbed it and started rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. "I'm guessing that those people have not done their research then if that is what they think. Why would I care about their money when I have my own? With me being the only child, I stand to inherit my family's business. Now, my family may not be in the top 5 of Forbes or Fortune 500 but we are in the top 50 and since I was 13, I have been attending the business meetings to learn how to properly run the company for when my father retires and after I finish attending my university, of course. I know that our relationship may seem unconventional love is love and that is all that matters."

"Well congratulations," the reporters smiled.

Jennifer smiled, "thank you."

Just like before, the car ride back to the house was silent. The driver opened the door for her once they reached the house and the moment she stepped out, the door was shut and the car pulled away. She sighed softly as she entered the empty house, making the door echo loudly as it closed behind her.

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