Chapter 60

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"If you haven't fucking noticed, but our wife isn't in the state to deliver the final blow now. Gives us more time to torture him while our wife recovers and can deliver her own justice. If you'd like we can reach out to anyone else who'd like–" Words left him as he felt Jennifer fall out of his hold onto her knees. "Jenn–"

"Doc," Axel cut him off as he watched her barely crawl over to Nowak, who was still pinned down by Connor. "Let her."

"How, Axel?" Sean glared. "She can barely move and I need to treat her. I know damn well you can see all those bruises on her! She needs to be in a fucking hospital! I just fucking resuscitated her for fuck's sake! We need to go to the hospital!"

"Here, Darling," Owen knelt beside her as she collapsed on the floor with a soft whimper. He scooped her up and sat her beside their prisoner. Murphy crouched down and held his knife and gun out once more. "Which one do you want, Jennifer? I'll help you."

"Not real," she slurred as she took him in with her blurry vision.

He gently wiped the tears from her face, "We're very much real and here. Now pick a pretty weapon and let's have some fun before Dr. Green finally snaps and takes you to his hospital."

Nowak chuckled, "She won't." Connor pressed down forcing a painful groan to leave Nowak. "She doesn't have any fight left in her. I broke her," he grinned.

Jennifer used the last of her energy and grabbed the knife out of Murphy's hand, surprising both Owen and Murphy, and weakly screamed as she plunged it into Nowak's stomach and turned it. "Aye, that won't kill him but damn good job, Lass," Murphy chuckled proudly as he patted her back gently.

"Very good, Jennifer," Owen nodded as he held her up so she wouldn't collapse on Nowak. "We'll take him back to our spot and you can play with him all you want once Dr. Green says you're healthy enough to continue." He pulled his jacket off and draped it over her since her once white spaghetti strap dress was now see through and her nude bra and panties barely covered anything. It was bad enough her body was covered in various stages of bruises, painting her body in colors that should not be there but this was just about his tipping point to losing all control. His restraint was only so much.

"What have you done?!"

Everyone turned to see Albert Watson standing in the doorway with complete shock and fury on his face. "Of fucking course you would be hiding here," Gabe muttered as he clenched his fists.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" He shouted as he stormed toward them. He tried to push past the Lanstor twins but they just shoved him back, causing him to stumble. "Get your hands off me," he glared at them. "Do you know who I am?"

"Nah," Murphy shook his head, "don't really fucking care anyway." He looked him up and down, "Look like a fucking twat to me."

"That is no way to speak to your father in law," Albert fumed as he regained his balance. "How dare you allow her to act this way! Punish her immediately or I will."

"I think not," Connor glared as he pointed his gun at the man. "You are no one to us and she is not our wife. She belongs to them." He barely waved his gun over to the Blackbourne Toma group who was eyeing him with so much hatred that Connor had to force himself not to react.

"Like hell!" He shouted as he swung his leg out and kicked her in the face, causing her to drop to the floor. "Over my dead body! She is nothing but an unwanted disgrace! You were supposed to make her perfect for us! You are ruining everything just like her!"

"Touch her again and you die," Owen promised as he pointed his gun at him. "Dr. Green."

Sean dropped to his knees and carefully rolled her over. "She's barely breathing," Sean answered as he felt her weak pulse barely against his fingertips. "Just what the hell did they do to her here? I need to get her to the hospital immediately."

"Only what she deserved," Albert spit. "If she would only listen then she would have been perfect! She had to learn just like Lily and Olivia! She just had to listen to her lessons but she couldn't even do that right! She just needs more training!"

A loud bang filled the air, startling all the men. Albert let out a wheeze then collapsed. The men looked around in shock before Raven burst out laughing. There laying on the ground was Jennifer with Sean's gun in both her hands.

"No," she coughed, causing the gun to drop to the cement with a clang. "No more," she coughed once more but this time when she pulled her away from her mouth, blood coated her fingers. Her eyes shot up to Sean's with fear, "Doc?" she asked seconds before she coughed again, spitting blood onto his shirt. Her eyes rolled back as she fell to the floor once more.

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