Chapter 26

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"Are you going to kill him?" She mumbled into his shirt as she tightened her fingers into his back. Her legs were starting to feel weak.

"No," Owen said as he walked into the living room. "He doesn't get the privilege of having a quick death. No, he will suffer long and hard for what he has done to you. Every tear you have spilled internally and physically he will feel tenfold."

Happiness shot through her chest, so she pulled herself away from Sean and launched herself onto Owen, making him take a couple of steps back in surprise, "Thank you," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his chest, inhaling his Irish Spring scent.

He held his arms out awkwardly for a moment then slowly wrapped them around her, "you're welcome, Darling. No one makes our queen cry and get away with it."

Hearing him say "cry" made her snap to her senses, she tenses slightly and took a couple of steps back, pulling herself out of his hold. Quickly clearing her throat, she wiped under her eyes then gripped the bottom of her shirt and slightly pulled down, "I apologize, I don't know what came over me. I...I..."

"Don't," Owen shook his head as he walked over to her. "Don't pull away now. This is the way it's supposed to be. Husbands and wives are supposed to seek affection from one another."

"B...b...but..." she mumbled as he pulled her against his chest again, trapping her there with his arms around her back, holding her in place. He sent Sean a glare when he spotted him taking a picture. He rubbed her back gently, silently encouraging her to continue whatever was running through her confused brain. After a moment he felt her start to relax into him, "you're supposed to be cold, heartless men..."

"And we are, just not to you," he replied. "Or at least we're trying not to be."

"Learning together," she whispered.

"Exactly," he murmured back as he ran his fingers up and up and down spine. "Feel better now?"

"Much," she said honestly.

"Good, think you can have some breakfast now?" Sean asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, but I think I'm becoming clingy, I don't want to move," she mumbled as she tried to press herself even more into Owen.

Owen chuckled, making Sean look up at him in shock, "That's an easy fix, Darling," he smirked as he gripped her ass, relishing her shocked gasp, "Up." He demanded as he squeezed her, she jumped, and he tightened his hold on her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She nuzzled her face into his neck as she linked her hands behind his neck. "Good Girl."

"Come on," Sean smirked as he gave both a quick kiss, "let's get some food in our bodies."

"Holy fucking shit," Gabe gasped as Owen walked into the dining room with Jennifer in his arms. Owen sat down and turned her, so she was sitting sideways on his lap, her face still nuzzled into his neck and her arms around his neck.

"Someone feeling needy?" Marc teased.

She tensed so Owen lifted his hand from her thigh and started running his fingers through her hair to soothe her.

"I know someone else who turns needy and clingy at times and if he doesn't stop his attitude, he won't be getting what he needs later," Sean growled as he picked up her plate. "Behave."

"Sorry," Marc pouted making her giggle softly against Owen's skin.

"Find something funny, Darling?" Owen smirked as he picked up an apple slice off Sean's plate and held it up to her.

Gabe's mouth dropped as she leaned up and bit the slice in half before dropping back onto Owen's shoulder. "I love clingy," Luke beamed as his knee bounced. "Makes me feel good to be wanted like that. I love it."

"Same," multiple men nodded as they passed plates around.

Owen held the rest of the apple slice up and she took it before dropping her head back against his neck. A small smirk formed on his lips as he continued rubbing soothing motions on her. Axel watched with his head tilted slightly, a thoughtful look on his face.

"What?" Silas asked as he took in everything.

"I have a feeling someone is going to be super clingy now," he smiled fondly, "soaking up all the affection she has clearly been denied for too long."

Silas watched as Owen fed her a grape, smirking at the soft smile she gave back to him before melting into him some more.

"Fascinating," Silas muttered, "if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it." Axel nodded in agreement, "This is going to be fun..."

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