Chapter 44

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Jennifer opened her eyes and winced as fire flared through her body. Her eyes felt like sandpaper and it hurt to even breathe. She curled into a ball in hopes it would bring some type of relief from the hell her body felt. She noticed she was lying on something uncomfortable that had springs pushing into her sides. The air was moist yet had a stench that had her into a coughing fit. There was staleness in the air that told her that wherever she was, it had been abandoned for some time so it was probably somewhere she didn't know about. That made her stomach drop as it meant she wouldn't be found for some time, if at all.

She pushed herself up into a slight sitting position although her body protested against the movement. Looking around she couldn't really make anything out because of how dark it was. She very slowly placed her feet down to the floor before recoiling back. It felt like cement, water, and pebbles with possibly other unknown objects. It was also freezing which had her realizing she didn't have her shoes, jacket, or any of her jewelry on. She was seriously regretting asking to go shopping now. Fear clung to her as it dawned on her that she didn't know how long she had been gone. Was her driver and bodyguard okay? Did her husbands even know that she was missing? Did they even care? No, she couldn't think like that. They did care, they had shown her over and over that they cared about her. They would realize soon that she hadn't come home nor her driver and bodyguard so they would start looking for her. She just had to keep up hope and not let the darkness win. She had to.

Suddenly, loud clangs and bangs could be heard in the slight distance. She had no idea what that was or who made the sound. Probably nothing good toward her so she quickly huddled into the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. There was a moment of silence before a whizzing sound came on, and then a flash of bright light had her recoiling and using her arms to cover her eyes. While she was momentarily blinded, there was another clang but this was right in front of her as a door was slid open. She could tell by the metallic metal scraping along the hard cement floor.

"My, isn't this just wonderful, she's finally awake!" a deep chilling voice said, making her turn to see if she could see who was speaking. Whoever it was sent goosebumps all over her skin, which meant it wasn't good whatever was about to happen.

"Where am I?" she asked hopefully even though a part of her told her she didn't want to really know the answer nor would she probably get the truth.

"I must say you have been quite a disappointment, Jennifer Watson," the man said as he came further into the room. He was wearing black slacks, a white crisp shirt, and John Lobb dress shoes. He seemed to be in his late forties going off the salt pepper hair he had slicked back along with the wrinkles on his forehead. He had a black cane with an eagle holding a blue sapphire jewel on top he held in his left black-gloved hand.


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"Who...who are you?" Jennifer timidly asked as she did not recognize the man.

The man narrowed his eyes before looking over his shoulder to say, "You are correct about her behavior. She will need thorough retraining on how to act as a proper lady for the Ashford family. Tsk, how could you allow such insolence to manifest, Albert?"

"She wasn't like that before," a furious voice said from the darkness. Anger fueled her as she heard the telltale sound of her father's shoes on the cement. "I clearly made a mistake when I chose who she was going to. They seemed like they were pleased with the way she was. I thought they would keep up with the program with them being who they are. Obviously, I was wrong and that won't happen again."

"No, it won't, with the plan I have set in motion. Now, Mrs. Watson," Nowak began to say before he was rudely cut off.

"It's Mrs. Blackbourne Ravenstahl, Sir. I am happily married and you will soon regret the decision to kidnapping me as my husbands will tear this world apart, even go as far as burning it to hell, to find me," She spat at him even though fear coursed through her veins, she was trying to channel her husbands' strength.

"Sorry, that won't do. We have plans that must be upheld in our society to keep the families pure of any imperfections. What your husbands' told you are lies about how the aristocratic society is to be. You will soon learn your place again and be melded into the perfect trophy wife. Now, my name is Mr. Nowak, and will be your instructor along with your father. You shall remain here till we deem you ready to redebute into high society. With your prior training though, it shouldn't be that long until you are back to being the perfect woman you were meant to be."

"You're delusional," she glared. "If you think I will ever be a willing participant you are delusional and you will regret this."

Mr. Nowak walked toward her and gripped her hair in a firm grasp tilting her head back to peer into her eyes. "You will be the one to regret speaking your mind, Woman. You know your place yet you believe those pathetic excuses of men will save you? We will show you just how much you mean to them and why it is relevant to keep the traditions we teach. You will show us the respect we as your superiors demand," Mr Nowak said. "Now, I believe it is time to get started with your training. Albert." 

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