Chapter 51

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The men entered the office taking in the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves along one wall, and five filing cabinets with five drawers along the next wall. To the right was a large window covered by dark red black-out curtains with a dark brown desk in front. There were two couches facing each other in the middle of the room with a long coffee table in the middle. The long wall closest to the door was covered by multiple boxes stacked high.

"Well, looks like we are going to be here a while," Nathan commented as he reached the end wall of boxes. "It looks like he kept everything."

Owen scanned his eyes across the room before making his way to the desk with Corey and Victor following right behind. Axel, Marc, and Kota made their way to the filing cabinets to start looking. Raven started searching the room for any hidden weapons, and Brandon and North started pulling the higher-stacked boxes down. Sean remained by the door, "I should go check on her."

"This could be a good thing or a bad thing," Corey muttered as he glanced over the papers in the box Brandon was skimming through.

"Anything we could use for something?" Brandon asked his twin.

"Possibly," Kota answered for him instead. "Won't know until I can look over everything."

"Ah shit, watch out!" Gabe exclaimed as two boxes fell over, nearly hitting Luke and Silas in the head since they were crouched looking through boxes.

"Fuck Gabe, watch what the hell you are doing," North grumbled.

"Sorry," he frowned as he picked up a piece of paper that lay by his foot. He scanned the paper over before a puzzled look crossed his face. "Um, Victor, Mr. B, I think I have something but I'm not too sure."

"What is it, Mr. Coleman?" Owen asked curiously as he made his way over. Gabe handed the paper over and began reading. It read: You are invited to the Men of Aristocratic Real Society. Please bring this invitation on March 7 to the address given by the Society Representative. No disclosure of this meeting should happen unless with prior authorization. Bringing extra personnel is not allowed to attend with you. Enjoy your welcome gift and we shall see you at the upcoming meeting. Owen's eyebrows dipped down as he tried to think of any socialite secret societies by that name. Most secret societies they are either a part of or have shut down. "Mr. Morgan, do you recognize this name by chance?"

Victor grabbed the paper and read it over. "Sorry, Mr. B, I don't but I will see if I can find anything." He handed the paper back to Owen before taking a seat on the couches and searching on his laptop.

Kota glanced over, "Men of Aristocratic Real Society? Really Mars? Making it the whole men are from Mars and women are from Venus thing a little too far, that can't be good."

"You recognized that too," Owen murmured, "I'm sure Mr. Morgan and Mr. Henshaw will be able to find something or there will be something else here about it. The fact we haven't heard about it doesn't agree with me."

"Same," Kota, Victor, and Axel said at the same time.

"You are okay Miss Holloway. He is no longer here to say you can't enter this room. It is just an office, plus we may need you to take a look over certain documents or things," Sean gently said as he led Miss Holloway into the room by her arm looping through his arm at his elbow. She was pale with slight sweat glistening on her forehead as she took careful steps. Obvious signs of manipulation to cause her stress just for entering the office. "There we go, now you just rest right here and if we need your assistance we will bring it to you. Your blood pressure is concerning me so I want you to take deep even breaths and clear your mind to a peaceful place or memory. Can you do that for me, Miss Holloway?" Sean instructed as he guided her to the couch across from Victor and had her seated.

"Y..yes, I certainly c-can do that. Thank you, Dr. Green," Miss Holloway softly agreed as she sat back with her hands folded in her lap. Just then there was a thump causing her to jolt in her seat and whip her head behind her.

Luke was sitting with a box next to him from falling. "My bad, this box was a lot heavier than what it seems," he said with a cheeky smile. Silas walked over and hoisted him up. "Thanks!"

"No worries, why don't you just let the muscular men handle this while you go sit with Miss Holloway?" Silas offered in a teasing manner causing Luke's jaw to drop as he dramatically placed his right hand on his heart.

"Well, I never!" Luke mocked as he hoisted the box on the floor up and stomped over to the couches. He placed the box on the coffee table and threw himself onto the couch. "The nerve of these guys, am I right?" he dramatically asked Caroline. She began to giggle at his theatrics revealing a small smile.

"I am so happy my daughter has such fine husbands at her side," Caroline said wholeheartedly as her eyes seemed to go distant. Sean took in her complexion and noticed she wasn't looking any better.

"We will find her soon, Miss Holloway. Don't you worry, that's why we are here. Now would you like to help me go through this box or would you prefer resting still?" Luke softly questioned. He watched her contemplate for a bit before shaking her head and getting as comfortable as she could. "That is just fine, Miss Holloway."

Luke opened the box and started pulling out different books till he got halfway where an exceptionally heavy book dropped out of his hand onto the table. "What the hell?" Luke questioned as he picked it back up. It was actually a fake book he realized before taking his lock-picking set out and began trying to get it to open up. Once he was able to get it open he pulled out multiple letters with a few photos. "Uh, guys I found the golden ticket."

Everyone quickly gathered around and started picking up different parts. Caroline was curious and leaned forward to peer over Luke's shoulder till she noticed something at the bottom right corner. 'What is that?' she thought as she leaned even further. Sensing her curiosity, Luke held the letter out to her. Once she was able to see the emblem of a golden knight with eagle wings in a mixture of navy blue and gold.

Caroline began to tremble, gaining everyone's attention

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Caroline began to tremble, gaining everyone's attention. "Miss Holloway, are you alright?" Owen cautiously asked.

"No, no, not," she mumbled as her eyes glossed over, her head began to spin as memories bombarded her in such a fast sequence she couldn't keep up. "No more...women...," she spoke louder before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and lost consciousness.

Luke was quick enough to catch her before her head hit the back of the couch. Sean quickly came up and checked her pulse. "Her pulse is elevated, I assume that was a panic attack. Whatever caught her attention in that letter caused her to become overwhelmed and lose consciousness. By her words, it seems there is something wrong with this society and their treatment of women."

"I want everything with this emblem on it for us to research further. Victor and Corey, I want both of you digging up everything you can off the black web. Sean, take Miss Holloway into another room and tend to her. When she comes to, see if she can inform you of any information she can possibly remember," Axel barked out orders.

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