Chapter 15

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Owen picked up his phone and sent out a group message before standing to head to the dining room to join the family for breakfast. He sat down at the table and took the coffee cup from Marc.

"Here you go," Marc said setting the plate down in from of him.

"Thank you," Owen said picking up his fork. He glanced over at Jennifer, "Good morning, Wife, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine," she whispered as she pushed some oatmeal around in her bowl.

"Let's try this again and this time tell me the truth," he said setting the fork down. He cleared his throat, "Good morning, Wife, how are you feeling today?"

She sat up straight and looked up at him. He stared her down and after a few silent minutes, she cleared her throat, "I'm nervous?" she asked uncertainly.

"Better," Owen nodded, "It makes sense for you to be nervous, but you will have a few of us with you during your classes and then after your meeting at your father's company we will be having a family luncheon with all of us joining us. It has already been reserved so you will not being having a discussion with your father after the meeting. We will be with you so if he tries to protest we will be reminding him that you are our wife and he no longer has a say in your life unless you want him to."

"He doesn't?" she asked, confused.

Owen shook his head, "No." She opened her mouth then shut it as her forehead wrinkled and she slightly tilted her head. "What?"

"So if..." she trailed off as she tried to think of how to properly word her question.

"Don't think, just say," he demanded with less tone than he usually used. He noticed Silas barely nod in approval with how he changed his tone. "Try again."

She cleared her throat and placed her hands in her lap. "So, if I didn't want to attend the meeting after my classes and had Dr. Green show me what he was talking about instead that would be alright?"

Owen nodded, "Yes. Is that what you want to do?"

She bit her lip, "I don't know?"

"Don't think, just say," Owen said clearing his throat, "Do you want to attend your father's meeting after class, yes or no?"


"Do you want to go with Dr. Green after lunch with us to talk, yes or no?"


"Do you want to run your father's company, yes or no?"


"Do you want to continue the business classes, yes or no?"


"Do you want to continue college, yes or no?"


"Do you want to try new classes, yes or no?"


"Do you want us to take over your father's company then decide the outcome of it, yes or no?"


"Do you want to continue communication with your parents, yes or no?"


"Do you want to continue this marriage based on how your parents taught you, yes or no?"


"Do you want to continue this marriage but how we want to have the marriage, yes or no?"


"Are you ready to undergo a lot of unlearning even with the knowledge that it will be very hard at times, but we will always help you and support you through it, yes or no?"


"Are you scared, yes or no?"


"Do you trust us, yes or no?"

"Surprisingly yes."

"Good girl," Owen let slip a small smirk. "Mr. Taylor move up our reservation for lunch. After lunch you will go with Dr. Green to discuss whatever you need to discuss. You will go ahead and attend these classes so you can turn in your work. After your classes, you will go with Mr. Lee to withdraw from your classes, and I think it is best for you to wait before deciding on new classes. It will be good for you to take a break and give your brain a chance to rest. Besides, with all the changes we are about to go through with your parents and your unlearning, it will take a toll on you mentally so having one less thing to worry about will be good for you. When you feel like you are ready then Mr. Lee will help you find a college you want to attend and help you figure out your classes as well. Now, finish your breakfast, you don't want to be late to your final classes."

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"Alright everyone, lunch is at eleven thirty and they have us in a private room," North said as he came back into the room, setting his phone on the table. "Will that work for everyone?"

The group nodded, "Yes."

Owen looked back at Jennifer, "There's your answer, Wife. Now eat."

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