Chapter 54

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"Lesson 5, one must not speak out of turn. If the husband gives permission, then one must watch the tone of voice, clear thoughtful sentences, and follow proper etiquette. A woman should stick to her husband's side and allow him to speak on her behalf. If one should break rules, thy husband has the right to choose the punishment and corrective actions. Never disobey thy husband," a chipper older woman's voice reverberated against the walls in the "classroom" as Mr. Nowak calls it. Jennifer was still tied down by the chair yet she didn't receive the shot seeing as she didn't have any more energy to fight. Mr. Nowak had been refusing to allow her to eat at first, yet now she is receiving only one meal a day that were small portions that resembled the size of a toddler's meal.

"Lesson 6, a perfect wife can not have any health complications. Thy must keep a moderate physique along with no allergies. If one does, thy must look into cures otherwise thy will be ostracized by their husband and M.A.R.S. will have the right to fix thy self," the woman's voice kept going for the millionth time. Jennifer had no idea what day it was, the time of day, or how long she had been in the M.A.R.S. clutches. The lack of food didn't really bother her since she was used to receiving very little food from her parents but the lack of sleep was really starting to get to her.

After the battles with Mr. Nowak, he decided that sleep was a privilege that she no longer deserved so he had people coming in every thirty minutes to make sure she stayed awake to receive her lessons even through osmosis it seemed since these lessons never ended. The only reason she knew she was getting company every thirty minutes was because she turned to counting the seconds to keep her mind sane. 'Just fyi, there are 1800 seconds in thirty minutes' a very minuscule part of her brain told her that Dakota Lee would be proud of her for knowing that tad bit of information. The second that her brain thought that though a sharp pain shot through her heart as her eyes turned to the pictures lining the walls. Oh yeah, that's right, he wasn't her husband anymore. New pictures seemed to adorn the walls every few days. Now there were pictures of them eating lunch with some women and the females' hands were on the guys' arms in a way too friendly way.

A single tear escaped her left eye before she could try to prevent it from falling. She didn't want to give her captors the satisfaction of her misery. Just as her mind reminded her of it being 1753 seconds, she heard the telltale sign of someone unlocking the door. 'Huh, someone's eager to get their task over with. Maybe finally I can get some rest. I want to estimate it's close to three days of being awake' Jennifer thought as she kept her gaze on the video playing before her.

Hearing the sound of shuffling along with a cane had her involuntarily shivering knowing who had just entered the room. "Are we going to be good today?" Mr. Nowak asked smugly seconds before he tossed a cup full of ice water on her face. Not receiving an answer had him chuckling, "I dare say I finally think you are close to breaking, my dear, and being the woman you are truly meant to be. The Lanstor twins will be pleased with this progress report. They are pleased with the new diet plan and how you are responding to it."

Not even bothering to muster up the energy to respond to him, she focused on clenching her teeth to prevent them from chattering. Mr. Nowak kept a close eye on her facial expressions and the emotions running through her eyes. He could tell she wasn't pleased with the water thrown in her face although that was all that seemed to be of complaint. 'The next phase should commence tomorrow' he thought as he walked behind her heading for the cabinets.

"Now my dear, I hate to cut our meeting short but I must meet with your former husbands to keep them off your trail," he chuckled in a dark tone. "Although it can't be too hard since they are so drawn to these appropriate-looking women, much more closer to their ages and tastes," he tsked while tapping his cane on the concrete floor. Jennifer's heart seemed to shatter even further.

'How much more can my heart take? I thought it was already in pieces but I guess those pieces would shatter further till there was nothing but dust. Nothing that would be worth repairing. Why would they want to be with someone like me? What do I possibly have to offer them versus those highly respectable women?' Jennifer thought as her eyes seemed to become soulless.

Mr. Nowak had a sinister smile appear on his face as he took in her form. 'Good, good, the plan is working.' He grabbed a small bottle with no label on it along with a syringe. "Now, it is high time you accept your final punishment for right now and then I will allow you to rest. Don't think I wasn't informed of your disobedience of falling asleep last night. Let's see if this will keep you awake."

She barely even flinched as the needle slid under her skin, as much as she was afraid of the unknown substance that was now flowing through her veins, her body had gotten used to the constant pricks and pokes he demanded her body be put through. She held her breath as she waited for the pain to start touching her body but nothing happened. Her mind began to race with different ideas of what he was about to put her through.

"Oh, don't worry my dear, this isn't going to cause you any pain," Mr. Nowak said after he disposed of the needle and bottle before standing in front of her. The evil glint in his eye still had her weary of what the substance would do to her. "On the contrary it will bring you discomfort seeing as you will remain in this chair till the dosage is no longer coursing through your veins. Then your punishment will be complete and I will allow you to sleep. Now, behave, and don't miss my teachings too much," Mr. Nowak said as he left the room.

Hearing the door lock, her shoulders slumped forward as some stress left her body. Suddenly, the area where she had received the injection began to itch. 'Urgh, I can't reach to scratch it' she thought as she tried to maneuver herself in hopes of using the chair as a scratching post. The itch began to spread across her body, some areas more affected than others yet she could not relieve herself. 'Oh god, please make it go away!' she thought as tears cascaded down her cheeks as she could no longer keep them back. The punishment may not have been harmful but it still fucked with her mind keeping her up for a long time before her body finally succumbed to darkness.

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