Chapter 50

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The men were at their main warehouse where their illegal endeavors were held. The men employed were running around trying everything in their power to help find any lead they could on their boss' queen. Owen growled in frustration as his phone went off. "Blackbourne," he huffed in annoyance. He really did not want to deal with this shit right now. He rolled his eyes as he listened to Mr. Nowak run his mouth with a bunch of bullshit.

After finally agreeing to send someone to gather whatever crap he had to show them, he tossed his phone down again before picking up his knife to spin it on his desk. Hearing his phone ring again he forced himself not to break the damn electronic. "Blackbourne," he said through clenched teeth.

"Mr. Blackbourne?" A nervous female's voice came through, stilling him and the rest of the family. It sounds oddly familiar but he just couldn't place it right off the top of his head. A quick glance at Corey and Victor told him they were not only recording it and tracing it but it sounded familiar to them as well. "This is Caroline Watson. I think I have some information you could use to find my daughter."

"Mrs. Watson," he said as he sat up straight in his chair.

"Actually, it's now Miss Holloway," she interrupted. "I apologize for being rude but I am no longer with my former husband and the divorce is being processed. I swear, I didn't know she was missing until now or I would have reached out sooner."

"We believe you," he said as he tried to remain calm. "Where are you? We can meet you immediately. Are you safe?"

"I think so," she murmured. "Are you aware that he is out of jail? I think he is involved. I fear he has done something to her."

"What would make you believe he would have been involved in her kidnapping and done something to her?" Axel questioned as he leaned forward.

"I believe this conversation should be held in person. Is there by chance we can meet at your home, Miss Holloway?" Owen requested as he adjusted his cuff links. "We would like to take a look through your ex-husband's belongings to see if anything could give us a hint to what he has done with our wife unless you have already gotten rid of his things."

"His things are still here," she replied softly. "Has she really been missing for almost two weeks now? I know I didn't communicate with her but it would make him angry if I did."

"Yes Ma'am she has," Owen confirmed. "But we are doing everything we can to find her."

"Well, if you really think there might be something here you are more than welcome to come look. I have nothing to hide from you since she has released the truth," they heard a sniffle, "she is stronger than I ever could be. She must have gotten that from you."

"Thank you," Owen replied. "We will leave immediately and head that way."

"I will let the gate know to let you through," she answered.

Owen hung up the phone and slammed his fists on the table. "How is it possible we haven't found this asshole yet?"

"He must have some high-powered friends hiding him," Corey volunteered. "But something will happen and someone will make a mistake and that's all we need."

"We need two week now," Raven growled. "Want kill now."

"It's two weeks ago, Raven," Brandon shook his head. "We needed it two weeks ago. But you'll get to kill him unless she wants to make the final blow. Then you'll have to let her have that closure."

"Let's just hope she still wants us once we find her," Victor said as he followed Owen out of the office.

"Of fucking course she will," Gabe rolled his eyes, "We're her goddamn husbands and we are fucking rescuing our girl from whatever fucking hell she is in."

"Gentlemen, let's just get to Miss Holloway's residence and find any clues to finding where our wife is," Owen said as he pulled his car keys out of his pocket. "Send one of our trusted men to see what that idiot wants. They will be able to tell us if he is up to something or just that desperate to keep his wife."

"We can't really say anything," Sean pointed out.

"Yes we can," Owen turned to face him. "Our wife was taken from us, his wife is trying to leave him for someone else. Most men wouldn't care or try something in court, he isn't which automatically makes him suspicious."

"Touche," Sean nodded. "Let's go."

The moment they pulled up to the gate, it started sliding open so they could drive right up to the house. As Owen stepped out of his car and started buttoning his jacket, the front door swung open. "You're here," Jennifer's mother said as she stepped out to greet them. She looked disheveled and a complete mess. This certainly was a different person than they met at the wedding or heard over the phone.

"Yes Ma'am," Owen said as he stepped up to her. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," she said as she shut the door behind her. "I just wish I knew she was okay and he was caught. He made some not-so-nice remarks as he was dragged out of here and with all this time to stew, I'm not really sure what he will do."

"We will have some of our men stay here until we can find him," Axel promised. "We will protect you."

They forced themselves not to groan when they physically watched some of the stress leave her shoulders. "Thank you, this way please. I had his things moved to his office so if there was anything it would be in there. He never allowed me in there so I can only hope that there may be something there that will be useful to you."

Owen forced himself not to react to that statement. It held so much power and she didn't even realize it. Maybe this room held more than one secret, there was only one way to find out. She stuck the key into the slot and with a flick of her wrist, the lock opened allowing them entrance to the once forbidden room.

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