Chapter 59

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The lead in Sean's feet finally lifted, shoving him forward toward the bathtub. He shoved the woman to the side and pulled Jennifer out of the water. Her limp body drenched him as he gently lowered her to the cold floor, "Come on, Sweetheart, don't do this," he pleaded as he pushed her hair out of her face. She was too pale, her lips were too pale and her closed eyes showed no signs of hearing him. "No, you're not doing this, come on, open those pretty eyes, Sweetheart."

"Doc?" a voice in the distance called out but he ignored it. He couldn't focus on that right now, he had to focus on her.

"Come on, Jennifer," he pleaded as he tilted her head back before raising his shaking hands and placing them on her chest. "One, two, three, four, come on Jennifer," he begged as he watched her face.

"Doc," Kota said gently as he knelt on the other side of her. "Tell me what to–"

"Shut up," Sean growled as he pressed on her chest. "She's going to be fine. She is."

"I know, Doc," Kota nodded, "tell me how to help."

"Breathe," he growled as he pressed his fingers to her neck. "Breathe."

Kota pressed his mouth over Jennifer's and blew.

"Again," Sean demanded, so Kota did it again, "One, two, three..."

"Come on, Jennifer," Kota pleaded as he listened to Sean count while doing chest compressions on her. On the fourth count, Kota gave Jennifer the biggest lung full of air he could. Just as he came back up and Sean gave two more compressions, Jennifer lunged to the side coughing out water.

"Jennifer!" the two exclaimed in relief.

"That is it, let it all out. Such a good girl," Sean spoke softly after she flinched from their exclamation.

Jennifer took quick gasps of breath as her eyes were barely open. She wasn't sure if she was alive or dead. If she was alive, there was no way what she was seeing was true. "N..." she tried to speak but her throat was so rough and raw it felt as if she was swallowing glass.

"Shhh, don't speak, Love," Sean's voice surrounded her. Her whole body flinched as a painful whimper left her mouth.

"Doc?" Kota asked in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Sean sent him a glare then realized the rest of the men were behind Kota and physically shaking with anger.

"Get your hands off our wife!" A furious voice came from the doorway as heavy footsteps rapidly approached them.

"Our wife," Raven growled as he pulled his gun out of the holster before anyone could blink and pointed at the pair of twins that stood behind them with fury in their hazel green eyes. Their dark hair was barely noticeable in the barley lit room, making them look like they they almost blended into the dark atmosphere, which made them almost as menacing as the men standing between them and the pale women that held everyone's attention in the room. "I kill you, I professional Russian."

"Does that ever work on anyone?" one of the men asked. He was a couple of inches shorter than his brother and while his hair was a bit shaggy, the taller of the two had spiky dark hair. The taller had a clear five o'clock stubble going on while the shorter had a shaven face. There were rumors going around, no one knew for sure if the Irish twins were just fraternal twins or if they were the kind of Irish twins that were mere months apart in age. Neither would confirm or deny the rumors just answering with a "fuck off you twats" before going about their business. Connor and Murphy just stared at Raven with boredom and fury mixed together on their faces.

"She was promised to us," the taller, Connor, glared.

"Your so-called farce of a marriage was annulled meaning she's free to be ours," Murphy glared as he rolled his eyes. "Back off."

"You were misinformed," Owen said as he continued his stare. "Our marriage is very much legal and real. She is not available for you gentlemen."

"Oh really?" Connor asked, smirking, "because it seems to me that you have not been that concerned about the lady's whereabouts." He waved his hands around, drawing the team's attention to the room.

"What the fuck?" Gabe whispered, his eyes widening at the floor to ceiling collage of paparazzi style photographs covering the walls. The photographs layered over one another, not letting any piece of the walls show through. Pictures of them eating with various women out in public, them with the same women's hands resting in the crooks of their arms as they walk down some sidewalks, happiness on their faces. There were picture after picture of them with the same women doing everyday things and in every picture there was happiness on their faces. The purpose was crystal clear, they had moved on.

"No," Victor's face paled as he took in what they were seeing, "these are misconstrued." He turned back to Jennifer and dropped to his knees, "Princess, it isn't what you think, I promise, they were helping us look for you. You're the only one for us, I swear."

"These are lies," Marc fumed as he walked over to them. "These were meetings with all our associates getting leads for finding you!" He pointed at the pictures. "Every smile was a hopeful lead to you! Our hope of finding you and bringing you back home to us!"

"Stop, you're scaring her," Kota glared. "Lower your voice."

"You never consummated your arranged marriage," Murphy smirked, "so she's ours."

"Says who?" Sean fumed as he held Jennifer to his chest. "Where's your proof? She is OUR wife."

"Doesn't matter," Connor glared. "She was promised to us so release her now or you won't like what we will do. We have more men than you."

"Try," Raven growled as he pulled the hammer back on his second gun he suddenly revealed. "We slaughter you before you breathe."

"Enough!" The men turned to see Mr. Nowak limping his way into the room. He was relying on his cane, the weight dulling the thud against the concrete. "Now," he cleared his throat as he attempted to stand straight, "the marriage of Jennifer Watson and the Reapers was annulled on the medical knowledge of her purity, further proving the claims made by her father that the marriage was not consummated. Two of the best surgeons checked and supported this claim. Since the marriage was not legal, this made her available for better suited husbands and after the appropriate retraining, the Lanstor twins have made their wishes for her known and it was approved. Now release their fiance immediately."

"Fucking told you twats," Murpy smirked as he took a drag off his cigarette.

Owen's eyes darkened, "Lanstor," He caught their attention, "Our wife is a little."

"What?" Connor snarled with disgust. "We don't want a little, we demanded a slave!"

Raven's growl dropped even more as he shoved his guns closer to them, "Our wife nyet slave!"

Murphy shook his head, "Take her, we don't want her." He pulled a gun out from behind him and shot Nowak in the stomach, causing him to drop to the floor with a groan. Murphy walked over and pressed his boot onto the wound, pointing the gun to Nowak's forehead, "How dare you try and pass another group's wife to us knowing she isn't what we wanted just to try and start a war between the Lanstors and the Blackbourne Ravenstahl families. You are a special kind of idiot, ya?"

"Don't kill him," Owen shook his head. Murphy looked up at him confused as Owen shrugged, "She should deliver the final blow of reaping, after all."

Murphy just chuckled as he pulled his gun away. He walked over to Sean with Jennifer in his lap, shivering and whimpering. He held out his gun with one hand and in the other held a knife, "Here, Lass."

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