Chapter 40

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She smiled as she watched them leave then locked the door before heading to the kitchen to clean. Heading to her room, she changed into some workout clothes and turned on some of Victor's music so she could start her yoga routine.

Once she was done she took a shower and got ready for the day. Slipping into a pair of dark blue jeans and one of Owen's dark gray tee shirts, she applied a natural look of makeup then slid into a pair of tennis shoes. Grabbing her cell phone, she took a quick selfie and sent it to her husbands, then headed downstairs to find the two men talking to one another. "Charles and William?"

"Yes Mrs. Blackbourne Ravenstahl," they nodded.

"I am Charles, your driver, Ma'am," the man that looked like a Viking said as he held out his hand. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes thank you," she murmured as she felt her phone vibrate. She opened the group message to see that they had sent her a picture of Charles and William so she would recognize them. Sure enough under the image of the Viking was the name Charles Hensen and under the picture of the man that looked like John Coffey from The Green Mile was the name William Rowe. She internally sighed in relief as the thought of them taking that extra step to reassure her crossed her mind. She sent back a huge smiley face and thumbs up before letting them know she was about to leave. Sliding her phone into her purse she zipped it shut and turned to face the two men. "Alright, I'm ready."

The ride to the mall was filled with silence but it wasn't uncomfortable. On the contrary, she found peace in the silent ride as they passed through downtown toward the mall.

The two men followed behind her as she strolled through the mall. The first thing she wanted to do was place her order at the jewelry store and then once she accomplished that then she would go looking at other places.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" A lady smiled as she watched Jennifer walk into the store.

"I would like to place a rather large order please," she smiled gently. "You can make custom jewelry, correct? This is the place?"

The lady reached down and pulled out a tablet, "Yes Ma'am, how can I help you create your wishes?"

"I have a photo and would like these bracelets each made with certain details. Each bracelet will have the same date on the first ring, the middle will have a pink opal for each and then a certain stone so they will be different yet each have the pink opal next to the stone. For the last ring, I would like my first initial and then the men's first initial engraved on it. I have a list here also with all the names along with the corresponding stone."

(Picture found on Google)

"Oh my! That is a lovely gift, I'm sure the men will appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into this

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"Oh my! That is a lovely gift, I'm sure the men will appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into this. Now it will take about a week for us to have this done if we put a rush on it. Would you like to look into getting a matching bracelet for yourself? Or I can show you our latest collection that just came in?" the sales lady asked with a gleam in her eye. She really didn't care, as long as the tiny rich woman kept spending money, her commission check was going to be big this month.

"No, thank you. This is all I came in here for," Jennifer said as she looked at her phone after seeing she had a notification.

"If you are sure then I will put the order in. Are you wanting to pay for it in payments or in full today?" asked the sales lady.

"In full," Jennifer replied as she pulled her wallet out of her bag and opened it. She debated on whether she should use her new card, though she wanted to keep it a surprise from her husbands. With that thought, she grabbed her personal card which she rarely used, and handed it over to the sales lady. "Oh," she quickly tapped the counter, "One more thing. Can you make the stones into heart shapes please?"

"Of course," the lady nodded as she made a note on the order. "Alright, fourteen leather bracelets with three silver rings on them. The first will have a date engraved, same date for all fourteen bracelets, the middle ring will have a pink opal heart-shaped stone and the second will have individual stones as per the list also heart-shaped, and the final ring will have a J initial, and the the first initial of the men listed next to it. Correct?"

"Perfect," Jennifer smiled, "thank you so much."

"You're welcome, and we will give you a call when your order is ready for pick up," the lady said.

"Thank you, have a great day!" Jennifer called out as she headed for the exit. There she saw William at the door entrance and he gave her a subtle nod. "William, um, could you not tell my husbands about us stopping here? Or if you have to just say I browsed but didn't find anything I liked? I really would like to surprise them with this gift," she asked shyly as she didn't want to order him or have him lie to his bosses. She just didn't want the surprise to be ruined.

"If they ask or demand I will just tell them that you ordered my silence since it is a gift, Ma'am," he nodded in understanding. "They hired me for you so you take precedence over them, Ma'am."

Smiling, she looked up to him and said, "Thank you, William. Now how about some lunch? My treat."

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