Chapter 22

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Jennifer entered the mansion and headed straight to her room. The group looked at one another and sighed. Ever since she told them that she was getting a headache she had been silent. They headed to the living room and sat down on the various couches and desks.

"Were we right in telling her the truth?" Luke asked. "Should we have waited until another time?"

"No," Owen and Axel said at the same time.

"We told her that we wouldn't hide anything and we meant it," Axel sighed. "That means that she deserves to know the truth about our marriage to her and who we are."

"But she has shut down," Silas pointed out. "What do we do about that, Doc? I don't want her as a fucking Stepford wife robot again."

"Give her time," Sean shrugged, "she has a lot that she needs to process."

North cleared his throat then barely tilted his head towards the door. Sean grew silent as they heard her descend the stairs then watched as she entered the kitchen. A moment later they heard the clanking of multiple pots and pans being moved about.

North pushed off the wall and headed to the kitchen, "What are you doing, Babygirl?" he asked as he watched her head toward the pantry.

"Making dinner, Sir," she mumbled as she started tying the apron around her.

He walked over to her and placed his hands over hers, stilling her movements, "There's no need."

"Yes there is," she nodded, "It's four pm, in order for me to have dinner by six, I need to get started now. I need to make–"

"Nothing," North shook his head as he turned her around. "We are ordering Chinese for dinner and having it delivered here. You said you had a headache and we don't want you cooking and we don't want to leave you in case you have any questions or start to feel worse Doc can take care of you."

She shook her head and tried to step back from North, "I am fine, there is no need for that. Now, if you are wanting Chinese, I can make some. I'll just head to the store and get the sauces and–"

"Stop," North demanded then at the sight of her freezing he sighed, "Please stop Baby. We want to take care of you and you are not feeling well, that means you need to rest." She opened her mouth so he placed his finger over her lips and shook his head. "It is fine if we order out every once in a while when you or I or Marc or Luke or whoever don't feel like cooking. It is not something just for special occasions like your father made you believe, yes we know about that, he told us your favorite place to take you for your birthday. Eating out is fine every once in a while and we have no problem doing so today. We want you to be as healthy as you can be and if you push yourself while you are not feeling well then you can actually make yourself sicker than before. So please Baby Girl, go lay down and nap and see if sleeping will help get rid of your headache. Please."

She squinted her eyes like she wasn't sure if she believed him so he smirked and started untying the apron. She opened her mouth then shut it and started twisting the bottom of her shirt. He raised an eyebrow and waited. ""

"Take a breath and try again," he encouraged.

She took a breath then let it out before taking another one and let it out, "may I sit by Dr.Sean? I felt better when I had my head on his shoulder."

North smiled and interlaced their fingers together, "Of course you can cuddle with any of us, Baby Girl, anytime you want. I'll even let you in on a secret," he leaned down so he was right by her ear, "Silas is the best cuddler out of all of us but you didn't hear that from me."

Her breath hitched as she nodded. "Yes Sir."

He stood upright and started leading her out of the kitchen, "Come on Baby Girl, let's get you to relax." He walked back into the living room and led her over to the couch where Silas and Sean were. "Sit." Sean instantly moved over so there was a space between them. "There you go, now just close your eyes and rest against your husbands." North took the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over her.

Victor sat in front of the piano and started playing a soft melody while the rest of the group messed around on their phones or read books. She started to drift off to sleep when Sean's phone started ringing, jolting her back awake.

"It's alright, Angelos Mou," Silas said in a soothing tone as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. "Go back to sleep," he whispered kind of loudly and since she was still so sleepy, she instantly leaned against him. Huffing a little she shifted so she could cuddle against him better. Silas smirked as he placed a kiss to the top of her head. When he kissed her hair, she inhaled his ocean scented cologne and pressed closer to him. Silas chuckled and gently moved her so she was straddling him with her face in the crook of his neck. Sean covered her up as Silas started rubbing her back in a soothing matter.

"This is a nice development," Axel smiled as he watched her curl into Silas even more.

North told them about their conversation just as Sean walked back into the room. He beamed at hearing that she wanted to be next to him. "Just let her sleep until dinner arrives, it will do her some good," he whispered as he sat next to Owen.

"What did the hospital want?" Nathan asked.

"They want me to come in tomorrow but I told them it will just depend on how our wife is feeling."

"That's new," Luke smirked, "I like it."

Sean smiled, "So do I."

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