Chapter 34

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Silas opened the door to let the family in, "she is still sleeping," he whispered as he shut the door behind them. "Victor gave her some more medicine a little bit ago. She had another popsicle and we had to give her another breathing treatment but she didn't protest this time."

"That's good," Brandon nodded. "Any throwing up or new symptoms?"

"Not so far," Silas shook his head as he hung up Owen's jacket after he slipped it off his shoulders.

"How long has she been asleep?" Owen asked as he adjusted the package in his hands.

"About 20 minutes now, she fell asleep as soon as you all left for about 30 minutes till a harsh cough woke her up. We barely got her to fall asleep again since she just wanted to have cuddle time with each person," Sean said as he joined everyone in the living room.

"Is she still little?" Axel asked.

"Yes," Victor said with a small smile as he gazed down at their wife snuggling to his chest. "She has been such a cute little one. She also makes sure she's spending time with everyone as equally as possible, otherwise, she gets really sad and apologizes a lot."

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"Oy, she fucking broke down crying and apologizing because she was cuddling Luke and me. She fucking said it wasn't fair to Victor, Silas, and Sean to not get fucking cuddles. We had to god damn explain how it was fucking alright as we were fucking still in the same ass room!" Gabe groaned out. "Her fucking tears killed my heart."

"It will take time but she will eventually learn that it won't hurt our feelings when she is with one or two of us," Axel chuckled. "Maybe we should start spending one-on-one time with her when she is little and when she is big, this is a learning experience for her on both aspects."

"Daddy," she whined, making them turn to see what was the matter. "Bankie."

"Shhh," Victor chuckled as he fixed the blanket that had moved just a little bit exposing her back. Once she was covered again she sighed in happiness. "Better, Princess?"

"Mmm," she hummed tiredly. She pressed her face into his neck and whined making him chuckle as he started running his fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry," he smiled. "Heaven forbid I stop playing with the princess' hair."

"Daddy," she whined.

"Shhhh, go back to sleep, Princess," Victor whispered as he started humming a tune.

"I see we have a cuddle monster on our hands," Nathan said as he sat by Victor and started scratching her back. She mewled, making him chuckle. Wanting to see what would happen, he stopped making her whine and pout so he smirked and started back up, liking how she sighed in relief. "Definitely a cute little monster. Whatever shall we do?" he teased.

The men heard soft snores coming from her and let out soft chuckles. "Well, let her sleep for now as sleep is the best remedy," Sean said as he leaned back and closed his eyes. "What happened at the meeting?"

"Not now," Owen growled as he placed her present on the coffee table. "We will discuss it later during her next sleep. For now, if there is anything anyone needs to take care of I suggest you do it before she wakes up. Corey, look into the information we were given to speed up the process of tonight's meeting."

"We are willing and will obey," the men softly said to not wake up their wife. They dispersed throughout the house as Victor stood up to go lay down in his room with their wife.

"Victor, I'll take our wife while you go assist Corey," Owen said as he stood from his recliner, grabbed the present off the coffee table, placed it in his pocket, and held his arms open. Victor kissed the top of Jennifer's head before transferring her to Owen. She whimpered for a moment from being jostled around before nuzzling into the crook of Owen's neck. A small content sigh escaped her lips then soft snores.

Owen made his way through the house, up the stairs, and down the hall to his bedroom. Opening the door with ease he flipped his light on and strutted over to his king-size bed covered in a dark gray comforter with four king-size pillows covered in black pillowcases. His room had soft lighting so he didn't have to worry about it disturbing Jennifer's sleep. Pulling the covers down with one hand he placed her in the middle of the bed still wrapped in her dark purple soft blanket.

Once he was sure she would remain asleep he walked across the room to his attached bathroom and took a quick shower in his four-person standing shower. Once he was done he grabbed the hanging towel and wrapped it around his waist. His chiseled chest was on display as water beads dripped down pathways. He made his way over to the walk-in closet attached to the bathroom to find Axel sitting at the middle bench holding one of Owen's shirts.

Raising an eyebrow at him, Owen asked, "What can I do for you, Axel?" He made strides to his underwear drawer before hands slid around his waist. "What do you think you are doing?"

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