Chapter 53

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"Yes," Owen said as he straightened his tie, "But she fixed herself the moment she realized who we were. I'll speak to Mr. Morgan and make it clear that our wife will be shopping elsewhere for jewelry if it happens again."

"Look this one?" Raven muttered softly as he watched the store. It was too open for his liking but this was a necessary trip so he would just have to deal with it.

"Yes," Owen nodded, "Once the rest of the family arrives we will be having a family discussion regarding our wife's gifts for us."

"Here we are, Gentlemen," the woman smiled as she held out four bags. "Is there anything else we can get for you?"

"No, thank you," Owen said as Raven took the bags and they left the store.

Ten minutes after they arrived back at the mansion, the front door swung open, "Whoa," Gabe chuckled as he took in the multiple boxes lying around the living room. "Good girl."

"How is Miss Holloway?" Owen asked as Sean walked into the room.

"Napping," Sean informed him. "She had another panic attack and I had to sedate her. Whatever is going on with this society has really upset her."

"We will discuss that in a moment," Axel said as they looked around the room. "As of now, every time she thinks about it, it sets her off so we aren't pushing her. Whatever it is caused her a lot of trauma."

"And you think it's the training that Jennifer experienced as well," Owen said as he watched him. "But you aren't really confident in that assumption."

"No," Axel relented, "We've never heard of this society, not even Victor and the geniuses haven't been able to find anything on the dark web either. I've made calls to our associates and they haven't heard of it either. It makes sense with the way her mother is reacting but why haven't we heard of it before now even with our skills and associates? It's not adding up, like you said, something is off."

"We will figure it out," Owen said as he removed his suit jacket. "Let's just take a moment and discuss these gifts from our wife."

"I say open them," Gabe beamed. "She did get them for us after all."

"I agree but she also probably wanted to see our reactions to opening them," Brandon pointed out.

"But she also doesn't like to be the center of attention," Corey said. "She gets nervous when she is with us and we are all focusing on her. Remember she also was never given gifts before, I can easily see her being super nervous about these. They are her first gifts to us and it wouldn't be all that surprising if she would get overwhelmed with watching us opening them."

"She has two love languages," Silas replied, "Gift-giving and acts of service. She likes to please us and she soaks up our love languages of words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time. She blossomed when we did it slowly and eased her into it. I think it would be best for her when she comes home and sees that they are already opened and being used. It might make her nervous if we aren't comfortable with whatever she gifted us or know how to use whatever it is. It could make her overthink that we don't like them, but if we already are using them then it would show her that we appreciate her gifts and it won't be a big deal which could make her feel put on the spot causing her anxiety to flare up."

"She is already going to be going through a lot with whatever the hell she is enduring now," Sean pointed out. "She is going to need us to help her heal, she won't need to worry about us liking her gifts."

"That's true," Nathan nodded. "I get what Brandon is saying about wanting to see our reactions but we will have many more times to give her first-time reactions in the future with other gifts. I say open them."

"Same," the others agreed.

"Alright," Owen nodded, "Let's see what our wife got us."

Raven pulled his favorite knife out and cut open the first box. Lifting the flap he chuckled, "Two PS5."

"What?" Corey and Luke asked rushing over to look inside.

"How did she know we wanted this?" Luke asked as he pulled the boxes out.

"Acts of service," Axel chuckled. "She must have heard someone saying something and filed it away in that brain of hers. Acts of service aren't just washing our clothes or cooking our favorite foods. It's just little things that mean something to us. She knows gaming relaxes some of us so when Gabe told her to get anything that piques her interest she must have chosen to get them for us so we didn't have to."

Raven opened another box and chuckled, "New Xbox too."

"That woman," Corey smirked as he pulled the two newest versions of Xbox out.

"What this?" Raven asked as he opened another box and pulled out five boxes. "Nyet books but name say book store Kota go to all time."

"Those are the newest Nooks," Kota gasped as he took it from Raven. "It's like the book tablet you and Corey got me a few years back."

"Oh," Raven nodded, "Hold all books, must be for you." He opened another box and chuckled, "Must think you need bunch, there more tablet books."

"There's fifteen," Kota quickly added as Raven pulled out more from the third box. "She must have gotten one for each of us."

"They can be programmed in different languages, Rave," Corey pointed out. "She probably got one for you so you can read your books in Russian and the same for North and Silas in Greek and that way we can all read our books however we want."

"Kitten," Raven whispered as it dawned on him what Corey was saying.

"What else is there?" Marc asked.

Axel took the knife from Raven and opened another box. "Nintendo Switches."

"And earbuds," Brandon said as he opened another box. " And cases and covers for our switches."

"Everything we've been talking about getting one day," Victor smiled softly. "Owen, what about the jewelry? Were you able to pick it up?"

"Here," Raven said as he sat the bags on the table. "We got."

"There are fourteen boxes but they aren't labeled," Owen said as he pulled them out and started placing them on the table. "We may have to switch."

"That's fine," Axel nodded. "Everyone ready?"

Each man grabbed a box and then they opened it. "Fuck."

Gabe looked up with tears in his eyes as he gently pulled out the bracelet. "That day..."

Owen cleared his throat as he blinked back his own tears. "That's the day she fully slipped, became our little, and we truly became her doms."

"And the heart is the same opal as her jewelry," Victor smiled. "She's even got our colors, although this one is Brandon's."

Luke wiped his eyes and cleared his throat, "Back to hunting?"

Everyone handed off their bracelets to the right person and once they were fastened around their wrists they nodded, "Back to hunting."

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