Chapter 56

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"What do you mean it's right behind our property?" Victor asked. "How do you know that? We have nothing but fields and trees behind our house."

"Well, be...because the leader used to always argue with my ex-husband about needing the Reapers to join the society. You are the Reapers, aren't you?" she asked nervously.

"Yes we are," Owen said calmly as he straightened his tie, "but why would the leader need us?"

"Um," she cleared her throat, "I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear."

"You're not in trouble," Axel shook his head, "we just want to understand and need to know what you heard, especially since it's about us and if it means helping us in getting our wife back to us."

"I do not know the whole situation but I heard the leader telling Albert that adding the Reapers to the group would be beneficial not only money wise but in other skills as well. Albert was not in agreement because of how public some of your images are, he thought with your reputation it would be bad for the society since it's supposed to remain secretive. The leader was adamant about having you join so he could use your skills for his purpose. He kept pushing for Albert to get you to join. It's one of the major reasons for the marriage agreement. They thought that once you married Jennifer they could find something on you to get you to join, whether you wanted to or not."

"But we forced you to agree to the marriage," Axel narrowed his eyes. "We pushed for it."

"Did you? OR was that something that the leader and Albert came up with to make you think that way?" She asked as she pushed the remaining food around the plate, "Or did the rumor of us having her marry someone else give you the push you thought you needed? Tell me, wasn't it odd that Dr. Green kept seeing my daughter more and more around the hospital visiting children or that you kept seeing her out in public more than usual?" She finally sighed and pushed the plate away, "or that Albert finally gave in despite knowing that Mr. Ravenstahl would be livid and leery because of my family and Mr. Ravenstahl's past family agreements? Did none of that seem suspicious to you prior to marrying my daughter?"

"That does not matter anymore," Owen shook his head. "We wanted your daughter anyway so how she came to be our wife no longer matters. What matters is that she is ours and your ex-husband took her away from us. So, tell us everything you know about this leader and this secret society. We need to know everything so we can figure out how to raid this building and get our wife."

"The society is where the training comes from," she murmured as her fingers traced over the emblem. "Training to be...good wife," she whispered. "Perfect wife..."

"What does the training entail?" Axel asked.

"Video...over and over," she whispered as her eyes glazed over. "Lessons on video."

"And what does the house where the training is look like?" Axel asked.

"White," she replied softly. Kota pulled out his notebook while Corey opened another program on his laptop. "Two story, blue shutters. White mailbox with emblem by the numbers. Flower boxes in windows." She turned her head but they could tell she was seeing something that wasn't there. "Kitchen on left, sunroom on right. Library attached to the sunroom, main office across from the library. Upstairs were the training rooms unless it was punishment training."

"And where was that?" Owen asked.

"Attic for bad and basement for really bad."

"Tell us what would happen if you were bad," Owen said calmly but everyone could see the fury burning in his eyes. They held their breath while trying to mentally prepare themselves with the information of what their wife could possibly be enduring at that very moment.

"If we are being bad with our training we will lose our meals and our physical punishment is deemed by our husbands. We are an embarrassment to our husbands if we cannot follow simple rules. Our purpose in life is to please our husbands in any way they see fit so we must always make them happy by following their rules. Some of the most simple punishments and quick ways to learn our lessons is to lose our meals. We don't deserve to eat if we can't mind."

Silas put a hand on North's chest while Brandon put one on Marc, shaking their heads as their mother-in-law lost herself into her trance even more.

"Ice cold water every fifteen to thirty minutes is a good way to make sure we are alert and ready to learn our lessons in how to be the perfect wife," she continued in a monotone voice. "Sitting in our strapped chair is a good way to make sure we pay attention to our lessons. Sleep is a privilege we do not deserve to have if we are preventing our husbands from being able to properly take care of our family. Everything we have we get from our husbands so if we are bad and they feel like they need to take away our gifts then they have every right to do so. If our husbands feel we deserve nothing then we will sit naked in a cold dark room locked away until we can learn to behave and be the perfect wife we are meant to be. If they need to experiment with punishments they have the right to do so in order to make sure we learn our lessons properly. We must be the perfect wife for our husbands so we will endure whatever they deem best for us. Our purpose in life is to be a perfect wife."

"Fucking hell," Gabe groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Caroline," Owen said, snapping his fingers in front of her face. She blinked in surprise as her gaze turned to focus on his steel grey eyes. "Who is the leader of the society?"

"Mr. Henrik Nowack."

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