Chapter 49

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"Alright, it is time for your lessons, Albert," Mr. Nowak said as he dried his hands of the blood he had just recently washed off. "You still have much to learn."

"I'm doing just fine," her father glared at the man. "Besides, you said my daughter needed the intense program, not me."

"Do not forget everything the society has done for you, Albert," Mr. Nowak spoke calmly as he sat behind his desk, glaring at Jennifer's father until he sat down across from him. "I can easily restore your history if you keep defying me."

"You said it was gone forever," he glared at the older man. "You said once I married that bitch it would disappear. Were you lying to me?"

"Of course I was," Mr. Nowak chuckled, "blackmail is always the way to the top."

"So what was that stuff you were destroying after I agreed to the deal?" Mr. Watson asked, "You said it was all the evidence but now I know you were lying about that, so what was it?"

"Oh, just some old documents that weren't needed anymore. Now, on to your lessons."

"No," Mr. Watson said.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Nowak asked.

"You heard me," Mr. Watson frowned. "I have busted my fucking balls to do everything you have said to follow the code. I have given everything up to sustain my rightful position just for it to fucking blow up in my face! You didn't keep your word, my current ex-wife, and finally my useless excuse for a daughter. I knew we should have terminated her or shipped her off somewhere else. FUCK! I am done, I am going to take my business, and leave this fucking country and start over. You can keep your fucking so-called evidence and keep the idiotic bitch too. I'm done!"

"You try and leave and all that evidence will find its way to the captain of the police department's desk by morning," Mr. Nowak smirked proudly as he leaned back in his chair.

"You fucking wouldn't, I have dirt on you also. One phone call and this whole setup will be in shambles with you behind bars...or a seven-foot hole. Whichever came first," Mr. Watson seethed as he leaned on the desk.

"Tsk, I was hoping you would have realized the predicament you placed yourself in. I own you, Mr. Watson, if I order you to jump you jump. If I say your daughter is to wed someone else, you say when's the wedding? If I say do your lessons before your first wife's murder is revealed, you say..." Mr. Nowak calmly said as he rose from his seated position to slowly walk around the desk as Albert backed up till he fell into his chair.

"I say when do I start," Albert said solemnly as he knew there was no escaping Mr. Nowak once you make a deal with the devil. He really did not want the name Richard Ashford to resurface, it was bad enough that every so often the disappearance of Lily Ashford would pop back up on social media. "Fine," he stood, "I'll go but you better deal with that bitch soon."

"Splendid, I knew you would come to your senses. Don't worry Mr. Watson, I will take over the lesson plans for her and have the wedding in three months. You will remain taking your lessons for the next three months to remain laying low. You will then make your debut along with your daughter at the wedding ceremony of the Lanstor twins. Everything will go according to plan and there will be no mistakes this time."

"Understood," Albert said as he nodded then left the room.

Mr. Nowak rested his elbows on his desk and sighed. "Confoundits! These pawns just don't know how to listen to instructions anymore! I will make sure these two remember who owns their lives." Mr. Nowak got up from his chair and walked over to the cabinet stocked with various alcohol. Pouring himself a drink, he went back to his desk and smirked as an idea formed. Grabbing his phone, he dialed a number then leaned back in his chair once more.

"Blackbourne," a deep voice growled.

"Mr. Blackbourne," Mr. Nowak smirked, "I would like to schedule an appointment with you again. I have more evidence of someone trying to brainwash my wife into leaving me. I could really use your group's help in finding out who it is and putting a contract out on them."

The phone call went silent for a moment before Owen said, "Mr. Nowak, I do regret to inform you we are in the middle of an assignment. If you would send the information to the disclosed address, we will take a look at your information and schedule an appointment when we are available."

"I'm afraid if it is left unattended it will be too late to save my wife," he smirked. "If you could lend even just a couple of your finest men it would be a big help. I am willing to double the amount as a reward. Instead of 25 acres, I can give you 50. I really just want my wife back to the way she was, not this paranoid mess that she has become."

A heavy sigh filled the phone, "Fine, I will have someone waiting at our restaurant in an hour. They are only there to gather the information you have and then someone will call you back once they are able to review everything. But do not expect anything soon."

"Very well," Mr. Nowak said as he pulled a manila envelope from the desk drawer. "Thank you, I will be there waiting."

Mr. Nowak finished his drink and smiled as he looked at the envelope. Everything was going according to plan. Now if things just kept going the way he expected, everything would fall into place perfectly. If only he knew what was happening.

Owen hung up his phone and growled. "Someone needs to meet Mr. Nowak in an hour, he's being awfully persistent and it is getting really annoying." He tossed the phone onto his desk and sighed, "Now has our guest given us anything new?" Just before someone could reply his phone started ringing again. "Now who is it?" He rolled his eyes and hit the speaker button, "Blackbourne."

"Mr. Blackbourne?" A nervous female asked. "This is Caroline Watson. I think I have some information you could use to find my daughter."

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