Chapter 18

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Owen POV

This idiot is really asking for it, I see. I will have to make sure that he learns his lesson since he knows the punishment for interrupting us and yet he chose too anyway.

He felt movement next to him and quickly cast a look down, frowning at what he saw.

What the hell is this woman thinking putting her fork down and pushing her plate away just because someone entered the room? Another thing to add to the ever-growing list I see...

He felt his muscles tighten as he locked everything down, she barely winced at feeling the tension in him which made him take a deep breath in then slowly let it out. He took another deep breath for good measure before he calmly cleared his throat.

"You have two minutes to plead your case before you are escorted out," he said as he picked up her fork, twirled some alfredo onto it then raised it up to Jennifer's mouth. He felt her tense, so he put his free hand on her knee under the table and gently squeezed it. He could tell that she opened her mouth and took the bite from him without thinking about it. He rewarded her with a soft pat on her knee before he rubbed his thumb back and forth on her thigh as she chewed the food then he used the same fork to take a bite off his plate. He smirked internally when he saw her eyes barely widened at seeing what he just did.

Good, she is learning. It is ridiculous how her parents turned her into a robot, there is a difference between a robot and a submissive wife. It is going to take more than we originally thought but at least she is willing to try. She may just be the one that we needed. Sure, not all of us were willing to go through with this marriage, me included, due to her age and the no meeting prior to the wedding stipulation her parents insisted on having but I think I may have actually been wrong this time. She certainly continues to surprise us and for once I am looking forward to it. I just hope that when she fully blossoms into the woman she is meant to be, she will still want to be ours.

"Maybe I should leave so you can discuss business privately," she spoke softly after she swallowed another bite from Owen.

"No," multiple men said at the same time with such conviction the man took a step back.

"Continue your lunch," North demanded, "we have nothing to hide from you, besides our time with you is more important. There are rules in place for a reason." He glared at the man so much that the man gulped nervously as sweat began to form on his forehead.

Owen raised the fork to her mouth again and this time she smiled softly before she took the bite.

"One minute and nine seconds," Kota said as he briefly glanced at his watch.

"I need a contract placed on someone," he said quickly as he used a handkerchief to wipe his forehead, "also I fear there has been one drawn on me."

"I fucking wonder why," Gabe muttered as he stabbed his baked potato.

"And this is so important that you had to interrupt our lunch with our wife? Show some respect," Owen spoke as he moved the mostly eaten plate away from her when she barely shook her head. A waiter quickly appeared, picked up the plate then sat her bowl of Italian ice down in front of her. Owen picked up the spoon, "This conversation could have waited until business hours." He placed the scoop in front of her lips before looking up at the man and spoke calmly, "Leave."

The man rushed out of the room so fast that he nearly tripped over himself. "Fucking idiot," Gabe muttered as he shoved his plate away in annoyance and anger.

"Please forgive us," Silas said looking at Jennifer.

She looked at him confused, "I apologize for my ignorance, but I do not understand why."

"We have a rule that no business shall interfere with our family time, and we were not able to honor it during this time," Silas explained calmly.

A wrinkle formed between her eyebrows as she slightly tilted her head, "May I inquire if you knew that he would interrupt?"

"Of course not," Brandon scoffed as he tossed his napkin down on the table.

"Then how could you not honor something that you did not know was going to happen?" she asked trying to understand. Various thoughts about her innocence filled their heads. "And why does that interruption warrant a need to apologize to me? I should be the one apologizing for interfering with something that requires your immediate attention."

"Jennifer," Owen said placing his fingers under her chin turning her face until she was looking at him. He held her gaze as he spoke. "You are our wife, that means you are more important than anything else. Never apologize for being with us or wanting to be with us, do you understand?"

"No," she said honestly, "but I'll try."

"Good girl," he said as he withdrew his hand. "Now are you done eating?" She nodded, "Very well, now go along to your appointment with Dr. Green and we will have a discussion with the rude man. We will see you when you come home so we can discuss your appointment if you are willing to. If you would rather keep it private between you and Dr. Green that is acceptable too, do you understand?"

"You said you have nothing to hide from me, I don't want to hide anything from you as well," she whispered. "I don't like secrets."

"We can understand why," he nodded, "but just know if you are not ready to discuss it that is okay. We can wait until you are."

A grateful smile crossed her lips as her mind swirled with the thought of possibly being checked for whip lash or a concussion with how different they are still treating her even though there was no one watching. She decided to just accept it and worry about it later, "thank you."

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