Chapter 32

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Owen, North, Corey, and Marc walked into the theater room to see their wife sitting in Kota's lap with Luke opening a Strawberry Shortcake DVD so he could put it on for her. Raven and Axel were working together to set up a pillow fort for her. Victor was entering with a new bottle of juice for her while Brandon was holding another pillow for Raven and Axel. Nathan was holding her new blanket and stuffy. Max had his head in Jennifer's lap so she could pet him while Sean made sure the mask stayed in place on her face. Silas was telling Raven and Axel how to build the fort correctly while Gabe was slipping some fuzzy socks on Jennifer's feet, making her giggle.

They watched as her eyes lit up when she realized that all of them were in the room with her. "Hi," Jennifer tried to greet everyone till she went into a coughing fit.

"Okay, Buttercup. No more trying to talk right now. You need to take small deep breaths so the nebulizer can help open your lungs and that yucky mucus can come out," Sean said as he rubbed her back. She just nodded her head before laying it on Kota's shoulder.

"Okay Cupcake, let's rest and watch the Strawberry Shortcake Movie! Oh, I will go get a popsicle to snack on," Luke said before rushing out of the room. Jennifer's eyes sparkled at the mention of the cool treat.

"Okay, Angelos Mou, your fortress is done!" Silas proudly called out as Axel and Raven threw themselves into a chair. They were exhausted since it was going on four in the morning. Although, they would do anything for their wife to feel comfortable.

"Hold on, Sweetheart, you can go in your fortress in just a moment. Let's keep this one for another two minutes," Kota said as he adjusted her mask.

"Otay, Daddy," she whispered as her throat hurt to talk.

"I have your popsicle, Cupcake! It will make your throat feel so much better!" Luke said as he came back into the room just as Sean was turning off the nebulizer machine.

"OK Buttercup, I think that is enough for now. We will do another treatment later," Sean said as he removed the mask and Kota stood up with her in his arms. She had wrapped her arms around his neck while keeping her head still on his shoulder. He kneeled down to crawl into the fortress where he laid her down.

Kota grabbed the blanket from Gabe and tucked her in. "There you go sweetheart, you just rest and Daddies will take care of you, okay?" Kota said as he adjusted his glasses further up his nose and gave her a small smile.

"Hey, Cupcake! Don't go to sleep just yet I still have that popsicle for you!" Luke said as he came into the fortress and pulled her into his lap. He adjusted the blanket so it covered her lap as she suckled on the popsicle.

"Now Darling, once you finish that popsicle I want you to get as much rest as possible. Some of your Daddies, including me, have a very important meeting we can't cancel. Once that is over with, we will return back home. If you behave like a good girl for your Daddies, I will personally make sure you receive a special gift," Owen said as he kneeled at the entrance of the fortress.

"Otay, Daddy, I be good. I miss chu's, hurries backs home Daddies," Jennifer said as she rubbed her eyes with her fist.

"We will, now you rest, Darling," Owen bent forward and kissed her forehead before setting back and standing up. "I want Luke, Gabe, Sean, Silas, and Victor to remain here attending to our wife. The rest of you will attend the meeting with me. If they have a problem with it we will just return earlier. Although I have a feeling this meeting is going to take a while. So let's post haste, gentlemen," Owen said as a dark gleam shined in his eyes.

"Bye-bye, Daddies!" Jennifer called out with a hoarse voice before cuddling more into Luke's hold and watching the Strawberry Shortcake movie.

"Bye Little One," they called out before exiting the room.

"Mr. B, why must we entertain these fools when our wife is sick?!" grumbled North as he stormed up to his side.

"Simple, there is something they have that we want. So we must play these childish games with them in order to obtain it," Owen seethed out as his eyes darkened further.

"Wait, are you saying they have it?" Brandon asked as a sinister smirk crossed his face.

They pulled into the building where they hold their meetings and he fastened his jacket as he locked his car. He really did not want to hold this meeting so he was going to rush this as much as he could. He didn't want to risk his wife to start questioning their devotion to her, especially with her anxiety, but this was an important family and associate so it was necessary they listen to their request.

"Indeed and are willing to make a bargain, so let's make this quick," Owen adjusted his tie. "The sooner this is over with, the sooner we can get back home."

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