Chapter 17

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Jennifer followed Kota into the restaurant with Max right by her side. She spotted the group of men, and a nervous shiver went through her. Max pressed into her making Kota look down at her in confusion, "What?" he asked as he led her toward the group.

"Nothing," she said as she pulled on her shirt then ran her fingers through her hair.

"Stop it," he said grabbing her hand, "you look good, now come on, quit worrying."

"Yes Sir," she said nervously as they entered the room where the rest of the family was waiting on them.

"Hello Wife," Owen said as she sat next to him.

"Hello, Husband?" she asked tentatively.

"Good girl," Owen nodded as he placed the straw in her cup of water.

"Thank you," she smiled softly as she looked around the room.

"Do you already know what you are hungry for?" North asked, watching her.

"The husbands make the decision for..." she trailed off taking in the dark look in his eyes. "Um," she cleared her throat and picked up the menu, "I will see what they have..."

"Better," he grumped as he picked up the menu as well.

"When you have decided, let me or Axel know and we will place the order for you," Owen said leaning over to speak into her ear. "And you better not pick just a small salad either, pick a meal that will actually make you full and that you want to eat."

"Jennifer," Marc said once Owen sat back up. She looked over at him, "this restaurant does not use peanut oil in their cooking, so you do not have to worry about getting a migraine later. They are very good about listening to allergy requests and preventing cross contamination."

Her breath caught for a second as she smiled in appreciation, "thank you Husband," she said softly.

He smiled a little shyly and nodded, "Of course."

She looked over the menu and then a look of excitement crossed her face. She tapped on Owen's shoulder, and he immediately quit talking to Dakota to look at her, "Yes Wife?"

A shiver spiraled down her spine as the look of patient filled his eyes instead of annoyance, "Um," she licked her bottom lip shyly, "I would like chicken alfredo, mozzarella sticks, salad, and watermelon Italian ice, please?"

He stared at her for a second before she saw his lips turn upward into a smile for just a millisecond before she blinked and it disappeared, "Very good," he said as he took the menu from her. "How are you feeling about that the phone call?"

"I felt nervous at first but when you took over, I felt a lot of relief," she replied honestly. "My stomach quit hurting and my chest wasn't tight when Dakota threw my phone away."

"But?" he asked, pressing for more. He wanted to see just how far he could push right now.

"My mind is making me feel very guilty, ashamed, like I'm bad," she admitted. "But it also says I'm a good wife because I'm listening to you like I'm supposed to. I'm very confused, Sir."

He turned to look at her better, "First, off you are a not a bad girl, Jennifer. You are a very good girl," her breath caught hearing those words as a blanket of warmth covered her. Something flashed in his eyes but when she looked again it was gone. "Second, you have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. We told you that it will take some unlearning and this is one of those times. You are already doing good about picking up on it, like when you stopped yourself repeating a rule to Mr. Taylor Jr. and correcting it. It won't be just rules, it will be emotions as well. It makes us very good that you felt relief when we took care of you." He held her gaze, "You are a very good girl and wife, Jennifer."

A smile lit up her face, "Thank you, Sir."

A waiter approached the table and Owen turned to address him. After placing everyone's order Victor asked, "Did you have any trouble withdrawing from your classes?"

"No," Kota shook his head. "They tried to get me to just switch her classes but after I made things very clear there was no complications."

"Good," Axel nodded as he picked up his vibrating phone. He declined the call then tossed the phone back down on the table.

"Everything okay?" she asked softly.

"Yep," Axel nodded, "just someone wanting to discuss business during family time, but I don't allow that. I will call them later. Family time is more important."

"Oh," she said as appreciation filled her. She had to admit this was terribly confusing right now.

A few waiters approached with their food and Owen placed her chicken alfredo in front of her. She smiled up at him as he held out her fork. "Enjoy."

Just as they finished eating, a man entered the room. The men instantly went cold and emotionless, which unnerved her. "What are you doing here?" Axel glared. "You know family time is strictly off limits regarding business."

"I know and I apologize," the man said nervously, "but I really must speak with the Reapers."

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