Chapter 21

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"Not now, Axel," Sean said sternly as he moved in front of Jennifer, "I need you to breathe, Jennifer, you're on the brink of having a panic attack." She locked eyes with him and saw the seriousness. Closing her eyes, she let him lift her elbows slightly higher to help open her lungs even more. "Come on, Pookie, nice and slow. Can you try and breathe like when you are doing your yoga, please?"

She took a couple of deep shaky breaths while Sean kept his hands on her bent elbows. Once she felt more in control of herself, she took another deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. Sean could instantly tell that she slid her mask back on but didn't push it right now. If this is what she needed at the moment then fine but he would make sure she didn't stay behind it for very long.

"Why did that man want to speak with the Reapers?" she asked Sean, refusing to look at anyone else.

"I don't know," Sean shook his head, "I was here with you, so I don't know what the meeting consisted of but from what he said at lunch, he thought there was a hit out on him and he wanted to draw one up on someone as well."

"Can I ask why?" She whispered.

"Of course you can," Sean smiled gently. "We meant it when we said we won't have secrets from you." He sighed, "I guess Owen would be the better one to talk to about why."

She barely turned her head and looked up into Owen's gray eyes, "He wanted a hit on the man that his wife is cheating on him with. They never signed a prenup so if he were to file for divorce she would be able to take all his money for spousal support, child support, and other means. We denied his contract since the repercussions would affect children. We also looked into him and he does not have one on him from us or our contacts."

"You didn't take it?" she point blank asked him.

"No," he said calmly without blinking. "We discuss every contract and if it will do more harm then good involving women and children then we will not accept it. We also let our contacts know so they do not accept it if the person tries to go around us to get the job done."

"So who do–"

"Rapists, men touch children," Raven interrupted, "men beat women, bad men."

She turned to Axel, "How long?"

"Since you were 17," he answered honestly.

"What?" she gasped.

"You were at the hospital visiting the children," Sean admitted. "You were reading a book to some children and once the book was over you answered every single one of their answers and then you went to visit the children that couldn't come into the main room so you could read to them as well. I watched you go to every single room on the floor so no one would be left out. The way you interacted with every child entranced me. I knew then that you had to be ours. I came home and had Corey pull the camera footage and look up the volunteer information. I swear we had no idea your mother was betrothed to Raven's father until we saw her maiden name. It didn't matter to us by then, you were already ours."

"But we waited until you were legal," Owen clarified. "And then we waited another year for you. We watched as you started at university and then we got notice that your father was narrowing down his list of husbands for you and decided we waited long enough. Besides, we were getting more and more frustrated with your spirit slowly disappearing over the years. You are our wife and we weren't going to tolerate it any longer. So, I approached your father and made it very clear that we would be marrying you and he needed to quit looking."

"Did you threaten to kill him?" She asked gulping.

"No," Owen shook his head, "But I made it clear that if he didn't agree to it, that I would make sure your mother knew about the three other mistresses besides the one she already knew about. I would be giving her the names of your half siblings as well and I made sure that he started giving his mistresses more money to provide for the children properly or else I would make sure all the information would be leaked to the media so the public knew the truth about your father."

She blinked back tears, "Other families?"

"That's why he wanted your mother's inheritance and properties," Kota nodded. "He was trying to figure out a way to make sure you didn't inherit it so he could sell the properties and spend all the money. Your parents aren't as wealthy as they make it out to be, Jennifer. Think about it, if you don't have children then they won't inherit your mother's properties and you won't have an inheritance to pass down, which means more money for him."

"And if you were a good wife and didn't cause problems and didn't produce heirs then he would never have to deal with you ever again. He even told us that he could show us how to punish you or we could punish you in any way we see fit but he was sure we could think of something since we are the Reapers. That's how he truly feels about you, Doll," Axel explained. "He tried to keep your mother's properties and your inheritance in exchange for you but we made sure he signed it over to you and we had Kota transfer it into a separate account that we do not have access to so you have complete control of it."

She cleared her throat, "I see..." she ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her back, "well, Dr. Green, please show me this birth control you were telling me about."

"Are you sure, Pookie?" Sean asked. "We can do this another time. I know this is a lot to digest, do you want to take a few days to process everything?"

"No," she shook her head, "I'm fine, please show me."

"Okay," he nodded, "but if you need to take a moment or a few days it's okay, I can show you and we can discuss it on another day."

"Thank you Sir, but I'm fine."

"Okay," he stood. "Just lay down, get comfortable, and lift your shirt." He gave a quick glance to Owen and the group then pulled the ultrasound machine over to her. "Alright, I'm going to put the gel on you and then I'll be able to show you."

There was a few moments of silence then she whispered, "is the shot they had me get every three months really extra vitamins that I need?"

Sean froze and turned to look at her, "What shot, Jennifer?"

She sighed, "Of course that wouldn't be in the records either," she murmured. "Ever since I was 17, I have had to get a shot every three months. Father said it was extra vitamins that my body needs."

"Fucking hell," Sean sighed and pinched his nose, "I need you to be perfectly honest with me right now, Jennifer, do you have a period or even days of spotting?"

She closed her eyes and whispered, "No."

"How long?" Sean asked, trying to remain calm.

"Awhile now," she shrugged, "I don't remember exactly how long, it's been more than a year though."

Sean sighed and pinched his nose. "That shot was not extra vitamins, Jennifer. Your parents had an IUD inserted in you and has been giving you the Depo shot so you are essentially getting two birth controls at the same time. This could explain some of your migraines and it is not healthy for you at all. As both your husband and your doctor I am refusing for you to continue getting the shot and I strongly recommend removing the IUD so your body can start healing from the birth controls. This will hopefully start your periods up again but I can't guarantee it will, your body could be too damaged from not having your period for so long. We will just have to wait and see, but I honestly feel from a professional perspective that it is better for you not to have them in your body any longer."

"It's not my decision," she said in an emotionless tone.

"Yes it is," the whole group said in unison, making her jump.

"Jennifer," Sean said holding her hand, "it's your body so it's your decision."

"Just do what you think is best," she sighed as she closed her eyes again. "I am getting a bad headache, may I please just go to my room and lay down after this?"

Sean looked at the group then cleared his throat, "Of course."

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