Chapter 62

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"I need you to prepare yourself," Sean said as he held Caroline's hand. They were standing outside of the hospital room. She nodded so he pressed on, "she is in critical condition but I'm doing everything I can to help her. She's sleeping and I'm hoping when she hears you talk to her she will wake up and I can assess her better. We're thinking she just needs to hear you talk to her so she knows that she is safe. It's going to be hard, she's going to look like she's just sleeping."

"Okay," Caroline nodded as she tightened her grip in Sean's hand. "I'm ready."

Sean nodded then swiped his card to unlock the door. Only certain people had access to her room and that was the way it was going to be until she was healed enough to move back to the Blackbourne Mansion. The door unlocked and he waited until she walked through the door.

A gasp left her as her knees buckled. She would have fallen to the floor if Sean hadn't caught her in time. Kota rushed to her other side and with both of them holding her up, she managed to take the next few steps to her daughter's hospital bed. She collapsed into the seat as tears streamed down her cheeks and onto her pajama pants.

She hadn't even bothered to change after Victor appeared at the guest house door to tell her what had happened. She rushed out the door with him by her side. It didn't even dawn on her to change her clothes or make herself look better. Her appearance didn't even cross her mind, she just had to get to her daughter and see for herself that she would be okay.

Picking up Jennifer's hand, she slid her hand under it, being mindful of the IV sticking out of the top of her daughter's skin. "Jennifer," she murmured, "I'm here."

"We were hoping since you raised her," Sean whispered, "it will help make her feel safe."

"But I didn't," Caroline sniffled as she reached over and cupped Jennifer's cheek. "Not really."

"What do you mean?" Owen asked.

"I didn't raise her," she repeated. "Her nanny did. I always had to be at his side, I couldn't be seen with a fussy baby on my hip, crying and causing a scene. He had me hire a nurse before I even left the hospital. It caused a lot of fights between us."

"Is her nanny still alive?" Sean asked.

"Yes," she sniffled as she tried to pull herself together. "She left after watching her walk the stage at her graduation ceremony. She said she was going back home to Louisiana now that Jennifer had grown up."

"Name," Owen demanded. "I apologize," he cleared his throat, "I mean no disrespect but–"

"No," she shook her head, "I understand. As I stated, I didn't raise her like I wanted. If anyone can make her feel safe Mabel Dawn can."

"Excuse me," Owen said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Will you tell me?" Caroline whispered as she ran her fingers through Jennifer's hair. "Please."

"I do not think that is a wise decision," Sean admitted. "Not trying to be rude or hurtful but speaking from a professional sense, I think it is in your best interest to not know the full details. I'm trying to protect your mental and emotional health."

"I appreciate it, Sean," she nodded before turning her head to face him. "But I have fully accepted my role in how I treated my daughter unfairly in life due to the way her father, my ex-husband, treated me. Thanks to the help of the therapist you provided me with, I understand the way I was raised as my mother before me, it was not healthy and I'm trying to be a better mother even though I am well aware my daughter is an adult now. I have Mrs. Anderson on speed dial if I feel myself slipping. Please, I need to know just how bad her father punished her."

"It wasn't just her father," Axel admitted as he stood and walked over to her. "It was Nowak, too."

"What?" She gasped. "He involved him?" The men nodded. "It was that bad?"

"From what we can conclude, both of them had an arrangement to marry her off to the Lanstor twins," Victor sighed. "But thankfully after speaking to them, they agree that she belongs with us. They did aid in catching and harming both Nowak and your ex so they can properly be judged and brought to justice."

"So they are both still alive?" She asked in fear.

"Yes," Sean admitted, "but your daughter got to deliver some good damage to them before I had to rush her here. She severely injured them both and we have them imprisoned at a secure location and once your daughter heals well..." he chuckled, "you and her both can take as much time as you want at that location and see it as a rage room form of therapy, only if you want of course."

Caroline smiled softly, "thank you."


"What–?" Caroline gasped as Raven rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance as he got up from the couch while muttering under his breath.

Raven walked over to the door and swung it up, "Father, shhh she sleeping."

"Idiot not tell me," Raven's father growled as he stormed over to his son while glaring at everyone around him. The nurses quickly moved out of his way as he entered the room. "She–"

Caroline turned around and gasped, "Maxim?"

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