Chapter 11

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The door opening woke Jennifer. "How are you feeling?" Sean asked as she slowly sat up.

"My head doesn't hurt anymore," she whispered as he held her wrist and looked at his watch.

"But?" he asked noticing how she trailed off.

"I'm fine, Sir," she whispered while not looking at him.

"I have to know how you are Jennifer so I can properly take care of you," he said softly yet sternly. "You have to be honest with me. That shit your parents told you about being perfect with no health problems doesn't work with us. Now tell me the complete truth."

Her breath hitched as she stared at him in shock. "Um..." she looked down at her hands when the staring became too much but he gently put his finger under her chin and lifted her face to look back at him. "That shot you gave me is upsetting my stomach," she whispered so softly he almost didn't hear her. "I feel like I'm going to be sick."

"Alright, let's get some food into your stomach and see if that helps any," Sean nodded as he stood and pulled her comforter back. He slid his arms under her legs and arms then picked her up bridal style. She gasped and instantly wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you for being a good girl and telling me the truth, Jennifer."

Goosebumps coated her skin as she looked at him in confused then nodded, "you're welcome Sir," she whispered as he carried her down the stairs.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty finally woke," Luke smirked when he spotted them.

She paled and tensed up, "I'm so sorry for—"

"Hush, he was just messing with you," North grumbled as he came up behind Luke and slapped him across the back of the head. "Shut up, Lucian and spit out that candy."

"I was just going to see if she wanted some candy while we waited for Marc to finish making chicken and dumplings for dinner," Luke tried to explain.

She shook her head, "Thank you but I can't have candy or desserts."

"Says who?" Luke asked as if someone had punched him in the stomach then forced him to watch his favorite candy store burn down.

"Hey, come on dinner is ready," Marc said as he opened the dining room door. "Perfect timing, are you feeling better, Jennifer?"

"She needs to eat before she can tell us that," Sean said as he walked past Marc with her still in his arms. "Her headache is gone but like I said that medicine was very strong and now it is affecting her like I thought it would."

"I'll make her bowl first then," Marc nodded.

"That's okay," she shook her head as Sean lowered her to her feet. "I eat last. The wife makes her husband's plate first."

"Sit down," Owen said sternly as he pulled out her chair. She hurried over and sat down nervously. "We are capable of making our own plates. Marriage is a partnership. Right now, you are not feeling well, which means we need to take care of you until Dr. Green says you are better. So, sit down and let us make your dinner."

"Um, okay, thank you," she said nervously. "I appreciate it."

"Max no," Kota said as the golden retriever burst into the room and laid his head on her lap.

"Hello Sweet Boy," Jennifer lit up as she started running her fingers through his fur. "Did you sleep well?" he let out a soft bark and she giggled, "Great, did you eat all your dinner?" he let out another soft bark and she smiled.

"She's talking to him like a child," Nathan chuckled.

Jennifer froze and Max pressed into her lap even more while whining. "What?" Sean asked.

"Do you want children?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah one day," Sean nodded.

Tears formed in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away while clearing her throat, "Um, are you going to file for divorce then?"

"Why would we divorce Jennifer?" Owen asked confused.

"Because," she said now confused, "because of...well you know," she looked at Sean, "you saw when you did my check up I'm sure."

"I'm sorry Jennifer, I'm confused," Sean shook his head. "What did I supposedly see that would make us divorce you?"

"I can't bear children," she said exasperatingly. She pressed her palms into her eyes to try and stop the tears from flowing.

"Because of the birth control?" Sean asked confused.

She looked up so fast the men worried for a moment of her giving herself whiplash. "What?" she asked confused, "what are you talking about?"

"Your birth control inside you," he said still confused, "I can easily take it out of you, if you want."

"What birth control, Dr. Green?" she asked dumbfounded.

"Are you telling me you didn't know you have a birth control implant in you, Jennifer?" Sean asked trying to figure out how she couldn't know. The look on her face let him know she truly had no knowledge of it. She shook her head and he forced himself to remain calm. "The implant in you Pookie makes it so you can't be pregnant for up to ten years. What did you think was happening to you during your pelvic exam during your OBGYN appointment? Surely you must have felt a pinch or slight stab or something along those lines, I heard it can be a little painful during insertion."

"May I call my parents, please?" she asked.

"Yes," Owen nodded, "but put it on speaker, we want to hear their explanation for this."

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