Chapter 16

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Jennifer shut her notebook and slid it into her binder before patting Max's head as he rested it in her lap, just watching her. "All done," she smiled as she tapped his nose. He stood, letting her stand then grab her bag.

A small smile crossed her face when she saw Kota leaning against the wall waiting on her. He pushed off the wall and held his hand out. She took it and Kota led her out of the building. Once they reached the car, he opened the door so she could get in. She watched him walk around and the sad thought that she knew it was an act since other people were around crossed her mind.

Kota made sure that Max was safely buckled in then started the car. He pulled out onto the road and her cellphone started ringing. "Put it on speaker," he said as he pressed a button on the screen. "Listen," he said when Owen answered. "Answer it."

"Father," Jennifer said emotionlessly.

"Where are you?" he instantly demanded. "I sent my driver to pick you up from class and he said you aren't there. You don't drive and I know you wouldn't be stupid enough to bother your husbands, so where are you? You better not embarrass your husbands. Do I need to—"

"That's enough," Owen said curtly, instantly shutting him up instantly. "Now, our wife will not be attending that meeting nor any further meetings regarding your failing business." For a split second the thought of Knight Rider and Batmobile crossed Kota's mind before he cleared it to focus on the conversation between Owen through the speakers and Jennifer's father through her phone. He briefly wondered if this is how the team felt as they listened to Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt argue through the CB radios on Twister.

"Now you listen here Blackbourne—"

"It's MR. Blackbourne to you," Owen corrected silencing Jennifer's father's sputtering. "Now, our wife has a lunch reservation with us that she will NOT be missing. It has been planned since before you decided to try and get your knickers in a twist and have a temper tantrum because she is no longer under your control."

"What did you—" he stuttered in shock.

"The moment we married Jennifer she became OUR wife and no longer your daughter. It is even stated in our legal agreement that you would cease care of her the day we become married, meaning you no longer have control of her. That would explain why you sent ALL of her belongings to OUR house the day of the wedding, it's also why you made sure that she had a very clear understanding that she was not to ever question you or her husbands. You thought that relinquishing a burden like having a daughter instead of a son wouldn't be a problem but now you are seeing that means you no longer have power over her inheritance as well the 51 percent of shares of the company you would eventually have to give over to her. But you and I both know that you aren't the type of man to give up control, now don't we? No, instead you were really hoping that you could still control her but through us. You were hoping that we would have a small ounce of care for our new in laws and when we would see that your business is CLEARLY struggling we would step in and take over for her and make it successful again while keeping you in power to run it. Well, you were wrong. We don't care one bit about your company and we do not want you trying to interfere with OUR marriage anymore. What OUR wife does no longer concerns you, if you try and contact her again in any way, you will not like the consequences, good day Sir."

Kota reached over and shut off her phone before tossing it into the backseat of the car. "You don't need that anymore."

"Yes Sir," she said while rubbing the palms of her hands down her thighs.

"You did very well not to interrupt, Jennifer. We are proud of you," Owen said as he parked his car. "Now, we will see you and Mr. Lee soon."

"Yes Sir," she replied while looking out the window. Kota ended the call and a few minutes later he pulled up to the Italian restaurant. "Dakota?"

"Yes?" he asked as he turned to look at her.

"Um," she nervously bit her lip as Max reached up and laid his head on her shoulder. She automatically reached up and began curling her fingers into his fur. "Um, may—"

"Take a breath and try again," he said already having a pretty good guess on what she wanted. "Remember, don't overthink, just say it."

"May Max come in with us please?" she said a little hurried.

"As long as he has his vest on, he will be welcome on any premises," Kota smirked. "After that first day on campus when I saw how he helped calm you, I had him registered as your therapy dog. He does have a little more training to complete but since he was already registered as a support dog to visit children and the elderly he didn't have to go through so much to be classified as your therapy dog. Now come along, you still have an appointment with Dr. Green."

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