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An uncertain chuckle escapes the blonde's lips, the sound of which causing Alexia's heart to skip a beat as she watches the slender woman bite down on her bottom lip.

"Gracias", was the uncertain response of the stranger, terribly failing at the attempt to properly emphasize the word.

"I take it you're new here?", the captain chuckles, running her fingers through her long, loose bleached hair as she admires the gorgeous woman in front of her.

Perhaps it wasn't so bad she'd accepted Mapi's invitation, after all.

"Phew, that bad? And I was hoping I would at least manage to pronounce one word properly", the blonde mumbles to herself, a hint of rose evident on her otherwise flawless, pale cheeks, before adding "Just landed yesterday, actually... um... and new here. So new"

Alexia listens carefully as she speaks, sparkling hazel eyes watching intensely as the blonde's delicate lips move.

She looked delectable.

And once again the scenery surrounding them fades into the background entirely. The vibrating bass, the raucous music, the laughter and bawling, all of it was seemingly irrelevant.

Even as the friendly bartender in the simple black shirt places the cappuccino on the counter.

It didn't matter.

"Let me guess... England?", wonders Alexia curiously, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly as she props her chin up on her hand, elbow on the bar.

For some reason, she was enjoying this.

A soft smile forms on the blonde's delicate lips, who can't help but glance down at herself, for even inside the dark nightclub, it was impossible to miss how pale she was.

"Manchester", the stranger confirms as she reaches for her cup of cappuccino, taking a sip.

Alexia smiles contentedly as she similarly sips from her drink - a boring glass of water with a squeeze of lemon.

Indeed a good decision to accept Mapi's invitation.

"So... a pale lady coming here all the way from Manchester, with absolutely no knowledge of the Spanish language, is ordering a cup of cappuccino in a crowded nightclub, full of drunk people, in the middle of Barcelona, after arriving here just yesterday. Who are you?", the captain wishes to know, her voice soft, a gentle smile on her tender lips as she closely observes the blonde's reaction.

"I didn't order that cappuchino... you invited me", the stunningly beautiful woman clarifies with a humorous chuckle, whereupon a cheerful laughter escapes Alexia's lips.


She surely hadn't expected such an encounter when she decided on a solid, not too eye-catching outfit in her dressing room a few hours earlier.

If Alexia had known that she wouldn't be sitting at the bar all night enjoying one glass of water with a squeeze of lemon by herself, she would've at least dressed up a little.

"Oh, you're right. My bad... um?", Alexia speaks shyly, though unable to suppress the smirk forming on her lips as her hazel eyes study the stunning blonde in front of her.

"You know, Alexia... you're just like Martha described you", the blonde says, and it didn't take more than that one sentence for the pleased smile on Alexia's tender lips to fade away.


"W... what?", the captain stammers, brow furrowed, completely stunned by those words, looking to the dance floor as the slender woman turns there, indicating a black-haired lady in the middle of the dance floor.

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