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And before Erin knew what was happening, and before she had time to give it a second thought, the beautiful Barcelona captain was dragging her out of the stuffy surroundings, warm fingers tightly wrapped around her slender wrist as Alexia led her out of the club.

But Alexia wasn't confident. Not at all.

The midfielder wasn't sure what she was doing. She really wasn't.

She held onto Erin's wrist, no, she clutched around it, because she was nervous. So damn nervous. Nervous because she knew her body was desperately craving relief.

Her entire system wanted to relinquish control.

Alexia needed that.

And it was the moment they made it up the stairs of that crowded, stuffy club in the vibrant downtown of Barcelona, that Alexia felt the first tiny bit of relief as she sensed the mild midnight air filling her lungs.

"You don't have to be nervous, you know", were Erin's soft words that snapped the captain out of her thoughts.

Alexia's tender lips purse as her cheeks flush in that light shade of rose, flawless skin illuminated to perfection by the bright moonlight as she stammers, "I'm... not. I'm just-"

"You are... stranger", Erin cuts her off, the softest of smiles lingering on her delicate lips as she looks down, indicating to the captains fingers that were still tightly wrapped around her slender wrist.

Embarrassed, the captain ducks her head, holding her breath as she bites down on her bottom lip, rapidly pulling her trembling hand away as she breathes a quiet, "sorry"

And Alexia was surprised as she sensed Erin stepping closer, a pair of cold hands settling on her waist, giving her hips a gentle squeeze as those powerful eyes gaze at her.

"Don't be nervous... I'll just help you relax, remember. Don't overthink it", the blonde whispers caringly, reaching up to tuck a strand of bleached hair behind the captains ear, feeling Alexia melt into her touch right away.

The power her touch held.

The captain didn't know what it was, and she didn't expect she would, but for some reason the feeling of those soft, gentle, ice cold hands caressing her cheek after they release that strand of hair, relaxed her in a way she didn't know was possible.

It had been some time Alexia felt this way.

Some years, to be exact.

"Okay...", was the soft, uncertain voice which escaped Alexia's delicate lips.

"Follow me... ", Erin whispers, pulling the brunette with her as she led her down the street, not once allowing her cold fingers to release Alexia's, as she sensed how nervous the two-time Ballon D'Or winner was.

She noticed by the way Alexia was short of breath.

By the way her sweaty fingers were clutching onto her cold hand.

And how the captain kept biting down on her bottom lip, something that excited Erin by just looking at it, for it was a very attractive thing to do.

However, she decided not to tease the already nervous athlete about it, considering Erin had just met her an hour ago, giving Alexia's hand a gentle squeeze in hopes it would help the captain relax.

"Mierda... is it really... that obvious?", wonders Alexia, her uncertain words followed by a charming, albeit ironic, chuckle as they stroll further.

And a simple nod by Erin was enough to let her know that she was indeed obviously nervous.

But she couldn't help it.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now