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"I will never wear heels ever again", Alexia chuckles as she fumbles with her door card, holding the pair of high heels in hand.

The therapist followed closely behind her, cold hands tucked in front of her body as they navigated through the never-ending hallway, dimly lit, casting a soft glow that accentuated the beauty of the moment.

The elegant, dark blue dress clung to Alexia's athletic figure, an exquisite fit that seemed tailored to perfection.

Erin's gaze lingered, a mixture of admiration and desire in her eyes as they traced the athlete's silhouette from behind - an involuntary reaction she couldn't suppress.

She couldn't help it.

She couldn't control it.

The therapist unconsciously bit down on her bottom lip, a reflexive response to the magnetic attraction she felt towards the two time Ballon D'Or winner. The brunette's allure was overpowering, the sight too captivating to resist.

Alexia was truly irresitible.

"I can literally feel you staring, Bonita", Alexia remarks, her tone dry, yet a playful curve to her tender lips as she swiped her door card through the reader, pushing the door to her suite open slightly.

Caught off guard, Erin blushed as she realized she had been caught staring.

"Um, well... I...", she stumbled for words, before admitting, "I can't help that you're stunningly beautiful"

Their eyes locked, an unspoken connection forming in the silent exchange. The hallway was bathed in a soft, gentle light, the shadows of their figures intertwining on the walls.

Reaching up to remove the blazer that Erin had loaned her earlier, Alexia's fingers grazed over the smooth, expensive fabric. But before she could take it off, the blonde stepped closer, preventing her with a swift motion.

"Keep it", the therapist breathes, a gentle smile tugging at her delicate lips, "It fits you better than me anyway"

The captain nods in response, her lips pressed together as she wrestled with the emotions inside her. The air was thick with warm tension, a powerful connection enveloping them.

Anticipation hung in the air, and Erin's heart raced as she found herself in close proximity to the midfielder's athletic body.

The power that woman held.

"Um... I guess I should... go", the therapist whispers, her delicate lips inches away from Alexia's, the captain's uneven breaths echoing against her own, the nearness causing her breathing to hitch.

The midfielder's sparkling hazel eyes met Erin's, her posture slightly leaning against the door as she gripped the handle, the heels still in her hand, the blazer hugging her strong shoulders.

A blend of emotions played across her face, the intensity of the moment palpable.

"You should", the midfielder nods, her voice faint, a gentle murmur.

The magnetic pull of the moment was undeniable, yet they both hesitated, suspended in the tension between them.

Erin hesitated for a few moments, torn between the desire to stay and the weight of uncertainty. She took a step back, her disappointment hidden behind a forced smile.

But just as she was about to turn and leave, warmth enveloped her wrist, a firm but tender grip preventing her from walking away.

Surprised by the unexpected touch, Erin's gaze shot back to Alexia, locking onto hazel eyes that held a mix of vulnerability and determination.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now