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not gonna lie.. it was frustrating to watch this.

"Hey, thanks for picking me up and... agreeing to this, love", the therapist greets Alexia, her voice filled with warmth, a soft smile on her lips, her gratitude evident in her eyes as she gracefully settles into the passenger seat.

Carefully closing the door of the sports car, she ensures the hiking backpack nestled snugly between her feet, a subtle click punctuating her entry.

Just as Erin got comfortable, Alexia's loyal companion, Nala, made her presence known.

The little ball of fluff, seated in the backseat, had her inquisitive eyes fixed on the therapist with an air of anticipation, a pink little tongue playfully dangling out from her mouth.

Once the blonde was situated, Nala couldn't contain her excitement any longer and, with a joyful leap, hops into the blonde's lap, her tiny paws finding a perfect perch against Erin's chest.

"Hola, Bonita", the brunette in the drivers seat chuckles, her voice soft and affectionate as she watches her little compaions over-excitement about the therapists presence.

She couldn't blame Nala, though.

For she was just as excited to see the blonde.

A gentle smile graced the midfielders tender lips as she reaches over, allowing her warm hand to caress the therapist's knee.

Slightly leaning across the middle console, she bestowed a delicate kiss upon Erin's delicate lips, their connection tender and filled with longing, "I couldn't possibly decline an offer that promises your company, Bonita. And it seems like someone agrees with me"

Surrendering to the captain's loving embrace, Erin allows the captain to take over control, Alexia's tender lips capturing hers in a sweet and passionate kiss.

As if they hadn't seen each other just hours ago.

A radiant smile illuminated the blondes flawless visage, her heart aflutter with anticipation at the thought of spending the day with Alexia.

The power that woman held.

"So, we're picking them up from the training ground, right?", the two time Ballon D'Or winner inquires, her fingers tapping the navigation button as she set the course for the FC Barcelona training facility.

Her hazel eyes, warm and inviting, sought confirmation.

"Exactly", Erin nods, securing her seatbelt with Nala in her lap, as Alexia deftly engages the gear, activates the blinker, and guides her sleek, dark grey sports car down the road.

A chuckle escapes the blonde's lips as she continues, "Let's hope Ona shares our enthusiasm for hiking... and our enthusiasm for spending time in a group of four"

Humming in agreement, the midfielder's warm hand instinctively returned to rest on Erin's thigh, warm fingertips tentatively brushing against the pale, flawless skin her shorts revealed.

"Indeed", the athlete replies, her voice tinged with teasing, "Otherwise, we might just leave them in the parking lot and ascend that hill by ourselves. That way, no one will see how breathless you are by the time you reach the top"

Responding with a playful smirk, Erin gently folds one hand atop Alexia's, while the fingers of her other hand gently brush through Nala's soft fur, "If I had wanted a drill instructor accompanying me on this hike, I would have arranged one", she teases, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

With a playful smile, she adds, "Today's adventure isn't about cardio or stability training, love. It's about-"

"Spending time as a group of four. I completely understand", Alexia interjects with a charming laugh, her melodious voice filling the car, "I wouldn't mind leaving them at the parking lot, though"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now