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A few days later, after an exhausting day of work, Erin was tired as she threw on a baggy shirt, happy to be back in her single room in the new team hotel in the northern part of New Zealand's Northern Island, where the team had traveled to play the second group match against Zambia.

The flight had been exhausting. Although not to be compared with the outward flight from Europe to the oceanic continent, but still tiring.

Erin was exhausted.

She had only managed to unpack the minor part of her belongings since arriving yesterday morning, for her days with the Spanish national team were so planned through and her schedule so packed, that she barely ever had a break.

So at least now, shortly after midnight, Erin had the opportunity to do something other than sleep, or work.

A healthy daily cycle.

The moment she drops into the armchair beside the window of her single room, another building obscuring the view over the city - the good rooms were reserved for Spain's superstars, of course - the slender blonde feels fatigue catching up on her.

She was so tired.

Heavy eyelids flutter shut just seconds after the therapist had switched off the lights, and while trying to relax for a few moments before climbing into bed, it was a harsh voice in the hallway, followed by a knock on one of the neighboring doors, that made Erin jump.

Annoyed, and more importantly tired, the blonde rolls her eyes as she listens to the male voice in the hallway, calling, "Laia, room check!"

Of course it was Jorge.

Who else would come up with the idea of checking the players' rooms every night?

A couple of moments later, the blonde hears a female voice - presumably Laia's - before the head coach's footsteps slowly but surely become quieter.

Reaching for her phone on the small table to her left, Erin peeks through heavy eyelids, grumbling a tired, annoyed, "Why is he doing this so late?", as she realizes what time it was.

20 minutes past midnight.

And the slender therapist had just plugged her phone into the charger on her nightstand, brushed her teeth, and was on her way to bed, when all of a sudden, a quiet knock sounded from the door.

Delicate lips purse as she looks up.

Had she just imagined that?

But just a few seconds later, the knock sounded again. A little louder this time.

"Um... hello?", the blonde wonders, hesitantly making her way over as she reaches for the lock, carefully unlocking the door.

A dark, female figure, barely recognizable, for the hallway was dark, slips into the room, letting herself in, surprising Erin with a quiet, "Shh... I hope he didn't see me"

The blonde would recognize this voice anywhere.

The power this voice held.

"A-Ale?", Erin gasps, quickly shutting the door behind the captain, before reaching for the light switch, and continues, "What the hell are you-"

"Doing outside of my room after Jorge's annoying control round?", the midfielder cuts her off, warm fingers tentatively wrapping around the blondes slender wrist, preventing her from turning the lights on.

She feared someone might see them.

Erin shrugs, "Yes?"

"Well, I needed to wait until he finally checked my room. I couldn't come here before that", the captain explains, her voice nervous as she speaks, quickly reaching to lock the therapists door.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now