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As the sun began to set over the picturesque landscape of Barcelona, Erin found herself strolling along the midst of a narrow trail, holding a map in hopes it would guide her to her destination.

Despite the midfielder turning down her offer, the blonde had decided to go for a hike, hoping that the tranquility of the nature, and the hush of silence, would be a chance for some clarity.

The boots Alexia had gifted her felt sturdy and reliable. They were laced up over her ankles, white socks pulled up, while a pair of shorts covered her slender, though athletic, legs.

Erin followed the winding path that ascended further into the hills, revealing the panoramic expanse of Barcelona's landscape stretching out beneath her.

The warm colors of the setting sun cast a golden glow over Catalonia's capital, painting the scenery in incredible shades of orange and pink.

Maybe it had been worth coming here, after all.

Taking a deep breath, she felt the fresh air fill her lungs as she lost herself in the serenity of the moment.

Absorbed in her own thoughts, Erin was startled when, all of a sudden, a shadow appeared in the distance, a strong, feminine silhouette illuminated by the evening glow, a small, fluffy dog by her side.

Erin's eyes dilate.

Could this... no.

For a fleeting moment, Erin stood there, with her blonde hair tied up and the trail map clutched in her cold hand, as the barely identifiable figure came closer and closer.

The woman seemed lost in her thoughts, her gaze directed downward. The cap on her head and the headphones in her ears suggested that she wanted to be alone, her appearance signaling a desire for solitude.

No one else was taking this path away from the city.

So the woman was most likely craving privacy, just like the therapist.

And when the unknown woman, her long bleached strands of hair loosely falling over her shoulders, bouncing with every step, was just a few feet away, Erin realized that it was, in fact, her.

In a city of millions, what were the chances?

The blonde's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the woman who had been on her mind ever since she'd hopped onto that plane carrying her back home to Manchester a couple of weeks ago.

Erin took a moment to compose herself, mentally preparing herself for Alexia to cross her path.

And Erin didn't have to say anything.

Not a word.

Because when the two time Ballon D'Or winner, head to the ground, squeezes herself past her on the narrow path, the little ball of fluff trailing behind her, Alexia's attention caught the sight of Erin's distinctive footwear.

Among thousands of hiking boots, what were the chances?

The moment the brunette looks up, hazel eyes lit up to perfection by the light of the evening glow, her tender lips purse in surprise.

What were the chances?

"Hey", Erin greets her softly, an unsure smile on her delicate lips, unable to help herself, a mixture of emotions resonating in her voice.

There was a look of astonishment on Alexia's face.

She had by no means expected to see the therapist here.

An uncertain expression lingers on her otherwise flawless visage, as her sparkling hazel eyes meet Erin's.

The power those eyes held.

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