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we all need this after todays match. though i'm wondering if i'll predict the next match correctly as well 🙊

Alexia's muddy hiking boots were stored in the footwell of the camper, her feet resting on the armature in front of her, the comfortable pillow Erin brought tucked behind her head, her tired, hazel eyes fixed on the road.

She was enthralled, stunned by the breathtaking view ahead, the landscape they were passing through, magnificent.


The narrow, winding road led along the Awhea River, past the villages of Tuturumuri and Tora, towards the sea at the southern end of New Zealand's northern island.

The hiking spot Erin had chosen, the Tora Coastal Walk in southern Wairarapa, had been gorgeous, the view over the azure sea beyond imagination.

This was paradise.

Alexia had no control and in that moment she couldn't ask for more.

"I still can't believe how gorgeous the view was from up there...", Alexia mumbles tiredly, wrapped in a hoodie, the strands of her bleached hair loosely falling over her strong shoulders as she yawns, "even though I'm exhausted, to be honest. We left early this morning"

The soothing Latin music quietly plays in the background - Alexia had her phone plugged in, showing her favorite songs - while Erin maneuvers the camper towards their second spot, the lonely sandy beach at Stony Bay.

"Well, rather leave early than be seen by the teammates, no?", the blonde replies with a shrug of her shoulders, unable to hide the smile that was forming on her delicate lips as she glances towards Alexia.

She'd never get over how beautiful the two time Ballon D'Or winner was.

She was absolutely stunning.

"Hmm... I guess you're right. I like my secret stranger", the captain responds in a calm voice.

It was rare that Alexia felt as happy and relaxed as she did in that moment, even though she was exhausted.

Thanks to the rain it had been a muddy hike.

"Oh, almost forgot", Erin mentions all of a sudden, her cold hands clasped around the steering wheel as she follows the road, saying, "There's a bap for each of us in the fridge... in case we're getting hungry"

"A... what?", Alexia stammers, her eyes wide, raising an eyebrow.

"A bap. Like.... a sandwich?", Erin chuckles, gesturing towards the fridge in the back of the camper.

With a grin on her tender lips, the captain unbuckles her seatbelt immediately, sets the blonde's comfortable pillow aside and squeezes herself through the narrow gap between the driver's and passenger's seat.

"I can't believe you brought sandwiches!", Alexia exclaims excitedly from the back of the camper as she lifts the cover of the fridge, stabilizes herself by holding onto the minimalist kitchen counter and rummages through the cooling box, revealing two sandwiches wrapped in plastic.

"Is there anything you haven't thought of?", the midfielder asks as she plops back into the passenger seat, sparkling hazel eyes fixed on the food as she unwraps the delicacy.

Erin couldn't help but laugh as she watches Alexia rip open a piece of foil, before hungrily taking a bite of the sandwich.

She was adorable.

"Hmm, binoculars", the blonde answers the captains question as she momentarily shifts her gaze to the gorgeous brunette in the passenger seat, before refocusing on the narrow street, squealing, "Woah! Look at those- wee dotes, there are seals on the beach!"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now