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Surprise, it's double update day ☕️✍🏼 don't forget your little star, as you know how much that motivates me!

Once Alexia had dropped Erin off at the modern hotel downtown, the drive home mostly silent, a pleasant silence though, long after the sun had already set behind Catalonia's vibrant capital, the blonde fell asleep with a smile on her delicate lips.

Because the time they spent together had been a dream.

And as she entered FC Barcelona's modern training facility the following morning, bag slung over her shoulder, a takeaway cup of coffee in one hand and tablet in the other as she walked down the hallway, where pictures of club legends and team photos adorned the otherwise white walls, Erin couldn't help but wonder how Alexia was feeling today.

She wondered if the captain would be as distant and controlled as she had been after their first encounter - the dreamy night they had spent together - or if Alexia would open up to her from now on.

That night had been a dream.

So after the slender therapist had prepared her schedule for the day, and enjoyed her first cup of coffee, Erin headed to the pitch, for the elite athletes of the Spanish national team were gathering for regeneration.


One of the staff members had already arranged everything for a relaxing session.

Yoga mats had been rolled out on the perfectly mowed, bright green lawn, a cooler with drinks awaited the Spanish talents, and the head coach - Jorge Vilda - was already there, as well.

With his hands clasped behind his back and his usual grumpy expression, the head coach was waiting for the athletes to arrive.

„Do you think he can smile, too?", was the muffled, higher voice that ripped the blonde out of her thoughts.

„Um... who?", Erin wonders, her lips pursed as she looks up from her tablet, eyes focused on Martha as the black-haired therapist, dressed in the same white polo shirt as her colleague, positioned herself to her right.

„Jorge, tonta", chuckles Martha as she gestures into their boss' direction, mischievously snatching the tablet from Erin as she adds, „I think he barely ever smiles. Oh, what do we have here?"

„Martha", the slender therapist warns.

„Are you memorizing her file?", the black-haired chuckles, eyes glued to the screen of Erin's tablet as she turns away from her, the blonde helplessly trying to snatch it back, „Let me quiz you! What is her height?"

„Martha, I swear if..."

„See who's blushing. So you didn't forget about the insignificant night, hm?", the black-haired teases, holding onto the tablet as she clasps her hands behind her back, a mischievous grin forming on her lips as her eyes sparkle at Erin with excitement.

„I...", the blonde stammers, pressing her lips into a flat line as she feels her cheeks flush.


„I checked your schedule yesterday. She was with you in the afternoon. And before you try to withhold information from me... I need to know everything", Martha grins as she nudges her friends side, excitedly bouncing on her feet as she eagerly awaits to hear the news.

That's when, thankfully, the door of the training facility opens, one of the co-trainers walking their way with a bunch of athletes in tow.

„Oh, my bad. I'm afraid, Martha, but that's not going to happen today", Erin winks as she quickly snatches her tablet from the therapist, making her way to join the co-trainer during his task.

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