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It was a few hours later, the end of a long, stressful first day of training at camp in preparation for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, when Erin found herself slouched on the soft leather of her therapy bench, peering outside at the perfectly mowed, green pitch below the modern training facility.

Her legs dangled off the edge, cold hands folded in her lap as she awaited her last appointment of the day to finally arrive.


The two time Ballon D'Or winner had postponed their appointment for therapy more than once today, due to many other, seemingly more important ones.

And even if Erin had sympathy for many things, not for the fact that this stranger - as Alexia wanted to be referred to - had totally messed up her plans for the afternoon.

And just as Erin peeks down at her watch again, for the third time in the last 60 seconds, groaning as she realizes Alexia was already 15 minutes late, her entire, slender body jerked as a soft knock sounded at the door.


"Come in", she murmurs, quickly sliding off the therapy bench, adjusting her white polo shirt with the patch of the Spanish football federation on her chest, as the door swings open.

"Um...", Alexia stammers as she hesitantly enters the room, her Adidas branded gym bag - no way she would wear this if she didn't have to - slung over her shoulder, hair damp and disheveled as she mumbles, "I had to take a quick shower, and... the appointments... well... everything took much longer than expected, I'm never late... usually, um... and-"

"It's fine. Let's just get this over with quickly", Erin replies sternly, a helpless attempt to keep her voice calm and friendly.

But even a deaf person could hear how annoyed she was.

And rightly so.

"I'm really sorry, Erin", the captain apologizes sincerely as she sets the bag down beside the door, and saunters over to the therapy bench before adding, "It's just... there was this photographer, and the guy from the press, and..."

"Like I said earlier, you don't have to justify yourself. I guess we both can't help that you lose control... of time... with your busy schedule", Erin sighs, and puts on a fake smile as she gestures towards the therapy bench for Alexia to hop onto.

"Sounds like I ruined your afternoon plans?", Alexia mutters regretfully, feeling out of place as she awkwardly stands beside the bench, watching Erin note her arrival on the tablet.

"Yup", was Erin's simple response after a couple of seconds, taking a deep inhale, before she states, "Jorge wants all the athletes to receive better treatment than ever before, to be more balanced with their training and prevent injuries, so today's appointment will be about-"

"-a massage?", wonders Alexia hopefully, her cheeks bright red as her eyes sparkle.

That was what she needed.

The gorgeous blonde presses her lips together, peaking down at the bold letters, reading stability test, that was actually on the agenda, quickly swapping it with tomorrow's appointment, before nodding, "Si, a massage"

She couldn't help herself.

Because for some reason, the sparkle in Alexia's hazel eyes, and her look of relief after this confirmation, was absolutely worth it.

The power those eyes held.

"Ugh... that's lucky. I don't think my legs would've carried me through another test today", Alexia chuckles lightly, visibly relieved as she shamelessly pulls the red material of her tank top up and over her head.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now