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considering the fact that there is a group game tomorrow... a little taste of what might happen (even if we are already a bit further into the future here) you've been warned 😈

Alexia thought that from now on everything will be better.

She really believed that from now on the atmosphere in the team would improve, that Spain would finally be able to perform at its best and present themselves the way they were - professional.


A team packed with eilte athletes, those any country would want on their team.

However, soon enough it became apparent that this was nothing but wishful thinking.

Their desire to beat Japan in their last group game, and thus enter the round of 16 at the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand as solid group winners in order to know a runner-up as their opponents, soon shattered.

The bubble, Alexia's dream of winning the title and becoming World Champions, was beginning to burst when she stepped onto the pitch for the final group match, not as the team captain - for that was Ivana Andres - but as the midfielder on the half-left offensive position, the position she felt most comfortable and confident in.

In fact, things weren't going that terrible, for after 15 minutes played, the statisticians reported an 80% possession rate for the team managed by Jorge Vilda, much to the satisfaction of the strict coach, who stood at the sidelines from the very beginning, arms crossed, expression unreadable, stern and in control, as usual.

But then, something unexpected happened.

Something that no player on the pitch, no player on the bench, and no member of the staff had expected.

Because usually, Spain's defensive line, including Mariá Leon, was one of the best on the planet.

Not unreasonably the blonde, tattooed defender had been named in the top 11 of The Best awards just this year, alongside France's Wendie Renard.

Mapi was world class.

So world class that she played a fatal misplaced pass in Alexia's direction, far too short for the two time Ballon D'Or winner, out of reach, and straight into the feet of Japan's forward who, without much effort, headed towards the Spanish penalty area all by herself.

In the 16th minute of the game, the giant scoreboard above the main stand of the stadium in Wellington displayed a 1:0 lead for the Japanese.


The atmosphere was now tense, and even though the team remained in control over the game - a possession rate of over 80% - Spain were unable to equalize.

The situation, the early deficit against the underdog, that seemed to be manageable and in control just a moment ago, changed rapidly when Mapi committed another mistake, almost identical to the first, whereupon a second goal in the 23rd minute followed.


"¡Joder! ¡¡¡Muy mal momento, Mapi!!!", Jorge shouts from the sidelines, furious, his head red from anger as he fires his water bottle to the ground.

Alexia felt her thraot tighten as she glances at the scoreboard over the main stand, never having expected this to happen today. Again.

Mapi wasn't herself.

The team was playing well. Alexia was playing well. Outstandingly. Excellent, even.

The athlete, rightly named the Reina of women's football, had plenty of ideas to create the game - together with Aitana they probably formed the strongest midfield duo on the planet - but even that didn't help.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now