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i've been excited to share this chapter for the last two weeks. enjoy ☕️✍🏼

It was a rainy day in Manchester, typical for the early days of September in the metropolis with a population of over 500,000 in the north-west of England.

A typical weather, unrivaled anywhere else in the world.

The beginning of pre-season training was approaching, with just over a month to go until the kick-off of the new WSL season.

With the wind of the World Cup in their backs - England managed to make it to the final, but then failed against Sweden - the predicted crowds and the popularity of football in the country would, no doubt, break every record.


The euphoria was intense around the sport and the success of the national team, the second final appearance within two tournaments. The news were all over the media, thousands of fans had purchased tickets for the upcoming season, and sports manufacturers could hardly keep up with the orders.

Names like Haaland, Kane and Salah had long since disappeared from every fan's back, and names like Bright, Bronze and Walsh were becoming more and more common.

A turnaround was in the offing.

Higher, better, further was the goal, and so it was also one particular person who benefited from the success of the World Cup, and looked forward to the new season full of enthusiasm.

Ria Thomas.

Dressed in her warm, comfortable club jacket, braving the rain, the native Englishwoman had made it to her favorite café just in time, before the rain poured down on the almost empty streets of Manchester.

With her shoulders hunched, she shuts the glass door behind her, a bell sounding through the cozy café, before she takes off her jacket and removes the hood, shivering from the cold.

Even as an Englishwoman, Ria would never get used to the cold shiver that would run down her spine whenever it abruptly started to rain.

Running her cold fingers through her mid-length dark brown hair, highlighted with a few lighter strands, she waved to the friendly barista at the counter, before making her way to the regulars' table in the corner by the window.

And as always - since years - it was a slender figure, a blonde head, that already waited for her.

"You're late", a calm voice replies as the other person rises, a grin on her delicate lips as Ria approaches, pulling the brunette into a tight, comforting embrace.

"And I had a lot of work to do... as always", Ria replies as she buries her head in the blonde's shoulder, a smile on her lips as she whispers, "I missed you, Sweetie"

"Stop calling me that", Erin warns with a sympathetic chuckle as she takes the jacket from Ria, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs, teasing, "and learn to be on time"

"I'm on time... almost", Ria argues as she takes a seat across the blonde, settling back in the comfy armchair with her legs crossed as she shrugs her shoulders, "I can't help that I'm so busy. Work is... a lot. Much more than I can handle"

Erin nods in understanding as she pushes the menu over to Ria, then folds her hands over the brunette's cold ones.

"You give this job your all, and everyone appreciates that. But you need to take care of yourself, Ria", Erin tells her with a concerned smile as she gives the brunette's cold hands a reassuring squeeze.

The therapist could see how beat up she was.

Tired and exhausted.

"I know...", Ria sighs sorrowfully, aware that Erin's words were true, waving towards the barista, ready to place an order as she says, "The season is about to start. Team training started yesterday. Vacation is over and I'm really glad everyone is..."

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