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Amidst the calm atmosphere of the quiet cafeteria, there was a palpable tension in the air as Erin and Alexia navigated the space, their steps echoing in the silence.

The simple process of ordering their drinks seemed like a challenge, each heartbeat stretching into an eternity of uncertainty.

Erin's voice wavered as she requested her caramel cappuccino, while Alexia's firm demand for a double shot of espresso carried a sense of determination.

Their eyes held a silent conversation, stealing glances revealing a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation.

Whenever the blonde's gaze met the two-time Ballon d'Or winner's, those sparkling hazel eyes seemed to cast a spell over her, causing Erin's knees to tremble involuntarily.

Those eyes made her feel weak. Those eyes made her lose control.

The power those eyes held.

As they awaited their drinks, the tension inescapable, the deliberate movements of the older lady only seemed to intensify the anticipation, magnifying the significance of this encounter.

Erin's eyes flickered between the menu and Alexia, who seemed composed but curious, her attention oscillating between the array of items on display and the entrance of the cafeteria.

After what felt like an eternity, their drinks were prepared.

The old lady pushed two steaming hot cups over the counter top. Erin reached for both, offering Alexia the smaller cup containing a fragrant double shot of espresso.

The therapist felt her heart skip a beat as her fingers bruhsed against Alexia's ever so slightly.

Retreating to a corner, away from the counter, a place that afforded them a semblance of privacy amidst the cafeteria, though again, the midfielder refused to sit down. Instead, the two time Ballon D'Or winner remained standing against the wall, an unwavering posture.

Stirring her caramel cappuccino absently, Erin's gaze often shifted towards the table where Ria and Ona were engaged in their own conversation.

Alexia's presence beside her was a constant reminder of the unresolved matters between them - issues - the unsolved mysteries that had grown to cast shadows over their undeniable connection.

Taking a sip from her double espresso shot, Alexia exhales a measured release, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "So... you pulled me away"

It wasn't a question. It was more of a statement.

It were firm, determined words. Emotionless. Confident. Words that were supposed to break the uncomfortable silence, dispelling the tension that had brewed up between them.

Erin's attention shifts from Ria and Ona towards Alexia, a faint rosy blush gracing her pale cheeks as she responds, "Yeah, I thought this could be a chance to talk to you"

Hazel eyes bore into Erin's, the intensity of her gaze unwavering as Alexia poses the question that had been haunting her, "Why?"

Cold fingers tighten around the filled porcelain cup as Erin's gaze meets Alexia's, the blonde responding hesitantly, her words unsure as she mentions, "You've lost weight"

Maybe it was anxiety. Doubt. Maybe an helpless attempt to distract from the actual reason behind this conversation.

But Erin couldn't help but share her thoughts aloud.

Alexia's gaze followed Erin's, the blondes eyes settling on the veins tracing beneath the athletes perfectly tanned skin, as her response held a calm tone, "I've become more athletic"

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