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And it didn't take more than that single word, that faint pleading escaping Alexia's throat in between kisses, to excite the blonde even more.

She couldn't help it. She couldn't help herself.

For Alexia was truly irresistible.

Once she'd swiped her door card through the reader as they'd approached her room located on the top floor of the modern building, Erin felt a pair of warm hands eagerly push her inside.

The captain couldn't wait any longer.

For she needed this - relief - so damn much.

"More", Alexia repeats, the sound of the door being shut is heard loud and clear, making it very obvious what the captain desired as she reconnects their lips in a bruising kiss.

As she pulls Erin in, strong arms tightly wrapped around the blondes neck, the slender woman's ice cold hands pinned Alexia back against the wooden door.

Unable to help herself, for she was in desperate need to relinquish control, the midfielder parts her lips, the sound of a needy, "please", echoing throughout the modernly furnished hotel room.

And Erin didn't have to be told twice.

She'd give this woman what she wanted.

What she needed.

So lowering her palms from the captains waist, slowly roaming them down her athletic, oh so perfect figure until she reaches the hem of Alexia's skirt, felt like a natural thing for Erin to do.

As she allowed her cold fingertips to slip beneath the expensive material, brushing the shorter fabric up the captains toned thighs ever so slightly, she felt Alexia shiver beneath her touch.

The power her touch held.

Goosebumps cover the athletes perfectly tanned skin, and the softest of whimpers, a faint moan, slips from her throat, delicate lips agape.

And Erin couldn't help but take this opportunity, for she wouldn't let this chance pass, to brush her tongue against Alexia's bottom lip, silently begging for entrance.

And the captain was more than happy to comply.

Warm fingers tangle into blonde hair in return, tugging at the loose strands, pulling Erin closer - if that was even possible - allowing the slender to deepen the kiss.

Allowing the blonde to take over control.

"You sure you're comfortable enough to do this?", Erin breathes in between bruising kisses, wanting to make sure that Alexia was indeed comfortable around her.

For they were absolute strangers.

As their tongues tangle, Alexia nodding into the kiss, the blonde quickly unbuttons her pants, pushes them down her legs and steps out of the fabric looped around her ankles, exposing her bare legs to the attractive captain.

"Frighteningly comfortable for a one-night stand", was Alexia's response that came surprisingly quick, and surprisingly confident, the midfielder's voice hoarse as she hungrily reconnects their lips.

She needed that. She needed release.

And the blonde by no means expected Alexia to say this.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now