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me asking myself how i'll watch the match tomorrow after my boss called me earlier, asking to come into the office instead of working remote 😐

Alexia's throat tightens as she awaits Erin's response, fearing that her performance, her team's performance, had not been enough.

For a few seconds, there was total silence.

She would never be able to accept being eliminated in the ridiculous preliminary round of a group that was considered to be 'oh so weak'.

She would never forgive herself if her time with Erin ended because of her poor, miserable performance.

The two time Ballon D'Or winner squints her eyes shut as Erin's slender arms tighten around her, the blonde whispering a soft, "You did it"

Releasing the breath she didn't know she'd been holding, Alexia can't help but smile, the relief this message carries beyond imagination.

"We did it?", the captain wonders in a faint voice, unable to believe another team had helped them qualify for the round of 16.

"You did it", Erin repeats happily, propping herself up on an elbow, gently pressing her delicate lips to Alexia's neck as she whispers, "I'm so proud of you"

The power those words held.

"Gracias... I wouldn't have accepted it if we had to leave New Zealand today... I'm not... ready to leave this place yet", Alexia confesses bashfully, her voice vulnerable as she speaks.

And of course the stunningly beautiful blonde knew what the midfielder was referring to.

"Me neither", Erin chuckles softly, her lips brushing against the nape of Alexia's neck, whereupon goosebumps form all over the athlete's body, the caress so loving and caring as the therapist adds, "I didn't even had time to test my new hiking boots. This can't be over yet"

Alexia blushes at these words.

A light shade of rose covers her cheeks, the most tender lips curling into the smallest of smiles as she shifts backwards, pressing her body against Erin's to get provided with as much warmth as possible.

"Can we stay like this until... Jorge appears for control round?", Alexia wonders with a small voice as her body relaxes in the embrace of the slender therapist.

"We can...", Erin replies, "but only if you join me for a hike tomorrow. All athletes have a day off and Martha could... cover all my appointments"

That had Alexia's eyes flutter open.

Turning around in the arms, the comforting embrace of the slender therapist, a grin on her lips, her flawless visage illuminated by the moonlight to perfection, she whispers, "a... hike? but... where?"

"Leave that to me to worry about", Erin chuckles softly, her face just inches from Alexia's, though she could tell the captain, such a professional in public, was too shy to make a move.

Alexia was too shy, to stuck in her head, to kiss Erin - the touch she was craving so much.

She needed that.

She needed to lose control.

"What if I... don't want to go?", Alexia wonders mischievously, biting down on her bottom lip as she feels Erin's cold hand caressing her cheek, the blonde's thumb brushing along her jaw.

The power that touch held.

"I can't force you...", Erin shrugs, voice calm, her eyes glowing in the moonlight, twinkling into Alexia's sparkling hazel eyes as she says, "but just in case you decide to join me... I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the lobby, 5am. Not a minute later"

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now