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i suppose that's one of my favorite chapters so far. enjoy ☕️✍🏼

congratulations Aitana!!! 🔥🔥🔥

The soft hues of sunset painted the sky above Park Güell in Barcelona, casting a warm, golden glow upon the sprawling landscape.

Erin had eagerly been counting down the hours until their rendezvous, watching as the day seamlessly transitioned into evening. The bustling crowds of tourists had begun to thin as the day neared its end, leaving behind a tranquil and serene ambiance that enveloped the iconic park.

It was a special atmosphere, one that only locals got to witness.

The atmosphere was unique, an experience often overlooked by the hurried visitors who frequented the park during daylight hours.

But Erin knew the park's true beauty emerged as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant shades of orange and pink.

The therapist found herself standing near one of the ornate entrances, her heart hammering into her chest as the weight of the upcoming conversation bore down on her, heavily weighing on her shoulders as she grappled with the knowledge that she held the power to either mend their connection or let it slip further into the abyss of misunderstanding.

She needed to solve this mystery.

And Alexia needed control.

The vibrant bouquet of flowers Erin clutched in her trembling hands brought a modicum of comfort as she awaited the two time Ballon D'Or winner.

The anticipation had her on the edge.

She'd been running scenarios in her mind, rehearsing conversations, but now that the moment had arrived, all the rehearsed lines seemed to evaporate like mist.

Her confidence was gone, and now that the time had come, Erin wished she'd have more time to prepare for this.

For her.

A soft chime from her phone disrupted her anxious thoughts.

Fumbling the phone out of her pocket, Erin reads the text from Alexia, saying 'Running a bit late. Sorry. Be there soon"

The therapists breath caught in her throat as she releases a nervous laugh, since the slight delay might be just what she needed to steady her racing heart and calm down a bit.

Taking a deep breath, she looks around, noticing how the setting sun cast elongated shadows and painted the architectural wonders of Park Güell in beautiful shades of orange and pink.

This place was truly magnificent.

Checking her watch, the blonde decides to find a quiet spot to sit and gather her thoughts while waiting for the two time Ballon D'Or winner. As she wandered along the meandering paths, she marveled at the park's unique design, the giant palm trees, the playful mosaics, and the undulating curves that blended seamlessly with nature.

The beauty of this place exceeded her expectations.

Eventually, Erin found a secluded bench, tucked away from prying eyes, where she sat down, the bouquet of flowers resting beside her.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, painting Catalonia's vibrant capital in a warm, rosy glow.

The tension within her began to ease as the tranquility of the park washed over her.

About 15 minutes later, the therapist spotted a familiar figure in the distance.

She felt her heart leaping as Alexia's casual, yet captivating presence caught her eye, even from the distance. A content smile formed on her delicate lips as she watched Alexia approach, a little ball of fluff bouncing along at her side.

control - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now